2024届高考英语词汇练习 第五周 讲练课件.pptx

2024届高考英语词汇练习 第五周 讲练课件.pptx

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高考英语考纲通关特训第五周测试卷;一、单词拼写 请根据句意和汉语提示填入一个恰当的英语单词(注意形式)。 [?li?d???p] 领导 1. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), China has made great progress in all aspects over the past _________(十年), namely from 2012 to now. adv. 即; 也就是 [?ɡr?d?u?li]逐步地; 逐渐地; 2. His interest in this subject gradually _________(减少), because he finds it useless and boring. [?t?p?kl] [?fi?t??(r)] 3. Such _________(装饰品) is a typical feature of the new year festival. 典型的; 有代表性的 特色; 特征; 4. It rained, and the ___________(潮湿的) wood didn’t burn well. [d?mp] 5. The weather is responsible for the ________(延误) of so many flights in Shanghai.;6. I am much __________(高兴) to be here and to give you a talk. 7. My son says that the thin mailman _________(递送) letters and parcels every morning. 邮递员; [?pɑ?sl] 包裹,邮包 8. In the police station, the policeman _________(查问) their names. [d??mɑ?nd] 需要; 强烈要求 9. The _______(牙医) took out his bad tooth yesterday. 10. The teacher said: “Tom, you _________(值得/应得) a reward for being so helpful.” 奖励; 回报; 报酬;11. I must admit that everyone _________(期望/想要) to live in a world free of worries and pains. 无...的 12. If you don’t speak good English, you will be at a big ____________(劣势) when you try to get a job. 13. A _____________(失望的) look came into his face when he failed to pass the test. 14. I have made up my mind and nothing can __________(阻止/使气馁) me. 15. When I get up, I first ________(给……穿衣服) my son and wash his hands and face.



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