鲁科版三年级英语上册 (I like green)Colours 新课件.pptx

鲁科版三年级英语上册 (I like green)Colours 新课件.pptx

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Unit 6 Lesson 36I like green. ReviewgreenredyellowbluewhiteNew Wordsblack黑色orange橙色What color do you like?I like blue.What color do you like?I like red.What color do you like?I like black and white.What color do you like?I like green and yellow..What color do you like?I like orange.重点句型:What color do you like? 你喜欢什么颜色?I like… 我喜欢… red orange I like orange. I like red. blue purple I like blue. I like purple. yellow green I like green. I like yellow.Think and sayWhat color do you like?I like…TRrStsThank you!Unit 6 ColoursLesson 2 It’s red and yellow. Listen,watch and choose.(听、看并选出看到的国旗。)National flags1123564小贴士 旗地红色,象征革命。大的那颗五角星象征着中国共产党,四颗小五角星象征着在中国共产党领导下的全国各族人民。我们的红领巾就是红旗的一角。What colour is it ?It’sred and yellow.What colour is it ?It’s and . redwhite加拿大国旗What colour is it ?What colour is it ?whiteIt’s red and .What colour is it ?英国国旗It’sred,and blue white.你发现了什么?What colour is it?It’s red and blue.It’s red ,blue and green.It’s red ,blue ,green and yellow. 在一句话中提到两种颜色时要用 and 一词连接,and 放在两种颜色之间;如果表达三种或三种以上的颜色,and 只需放在最后一种颜色的前面即可。前面的颜色无论提到多少种,书写时都用逗号分隔。Reading time 阅读时间Game :Sharp eyes(火眼金睛)What colour is it ?It’s red and .whiteWhat colour is it ?It’s red and green.What colour is it ?It’s red , and green.whiteWhat colour is it ?It’s red, ,blue and yellow.whiteGuessing game:(你说我猜)A: What colour is it?B:It’s ……A: It’s (a pen).Enjoy the colourful life.Enjoy your childhood.Find and talk about the colours in groups:寻找并谈论身边的颜色A: What colour is it?B: It’s……Homework1.Listen and imated the text. 听录音跟读课文。2. Find the colours and try to say them. 发现并描述生活中的颜色。



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