二零二三年 优质公开课九种成分.ppt

二零二三年 优质公开课九种成分.ppt

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九 种 成 分 知识网络主语名词 :Qianmen Street is a famous street of over 600 years old Qianmen Street代词:I have good news to tell you I动名词:Running is cheae most is their coloful after-class activities What ime most 九种成分 谓语系动词 :The Double Ninth Festival is the day for the elderly in our culture is行为动词:I learned from your andarin 主句:learned;从句:want情态动词动词原形:Everybody can buy taeaway food can buy助动词分词:These s were abandoned九种成分 宾语名词 :Looing forward to your remend that you find your way in style that you find your way in style九种成分 定语Im writing to tell you my eciting mer holiday eciting I have something interesting to tell you interesting, 修饰不定代词后置九种成分 状语修饰动词 :He can spea English fluently fluently修饰形容词:The suitcase is surprisingly light surprisingly修饰另一副词:I go jogging fairly regularly fairly修饰全句:Surprisingly, he agreed straight away Surprisingly状语从句:If you’d lie to bring a gift, fruit is usually a good choice If you’d lie to九种成分 补语宾语:We’ll mae our school more beautiful more beautiful主补:The aing an eent in the chemistry lab maingThe match became very eciting ecitingThey loo beautiful in the shaond beautiful表语九种成分 同位语名词 :My favorite figure must be Wei Yuan, a great thiner in the late Qing Dynasty a great thiner代词:Hele that he will come九种成分 插入语短句 :That, I thin, would be a great advantage I thin不定式:To tell you the truth, I have to do it To tell you the truth分词:Generally soney Besides 九种成分 由上图可以看出:句子成分与词性的关系,主要有:1 做主语或宾语用名词或代词。2 做谓语用动词。4 做状语用副词修饰动词、形容词、介词短语或全句。3 做定语修饰名词、表语、补语,用形容词。以上四条是解答语法填空和短文改错的必备基础,请反复朗读图中例句,仔细体会这四条。说明: 请指出下列各句的句子成分,定语直接用 括起来。1 We learned them at a young age We 主语 learned 谓语 them 宾语 at a young age状语 2 I will hels I 主语 will hels宾补 3 The museum is on the Yellow River RoadThe museum 主语 is 系动词 on the Yellow River Road表语 4 We can meet at the bus sto We 主语 can meet 谓语 at the bus sto 时 间状语 5 The Chinese odern Chinese ous local fol artists The Chinese odern Chinese ous local fol artists


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