外研版九年级英语下册 (Knives and forks are used for most Western food)Eating together 新课件(第1课时).pptx

外研版九年级英语下册 (Knives and forks are used for most Western food)Eating together 新课件(第1课时).pptx

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Module 6 Eating togetherKnives and forks are used for most Western food第1课时 When in Rome,do as the Romans do.该句是一句谚语,意为“入乡随俗”。其中as表示“按照”,引导方式状语从句。eg:You can do as you like.你可以按你喜欢的去做。serve动词,意为“端上(食物和饮料);服侍······进餐;服务;招待”。常用结构如下:①serve sb. 为某人服务eg:We should serve the people heart and soul.我们应该全心全意为人民服务。②serve sb. with sth. 用某物招待某人eg:She served us with some seafood.她用一些海鲜招待我们。【拓展】serve的名词形式为service,意为“服务;接待”。similar形容词,意为“相似的”,在句中可作定语或表语。eg:My best friend and I have similar hobbies.我最好的朋友和我有着相似的爱好。【拓展】①be similar to与······相似eg:My new dress is similar to yours.我的新裙子与你的相似。②be similar in sth. 在某方面相似eg:The two buildings are similar in style.这两幢建筑在风格上相似。be used for被用于······eg:This room is used for studying.这个房间是用来学习的。【注意】be used for后接动词时,动词应用-ing形式。【拓展】be used to do sth. 被用来做某事Help yourself!请随意!help oneself to...意为“随便吃······”,其中oneself要随所指的人而变化。to为介词,后接表示食物或饮料的名词。一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词,每空一词。1.Dinner is  (端上) in this restaurant until 11 pm.2. (女士) and gentlemen,thank you very much for coming to this concert.3.Mum will get  (生气的) with me if she finds I cut her documents from the computer.4.Just like the Chinese, (西方人) give gifts on many important occasions,such as on birthdays of good friends and at Christmas.5.Birds cant fly without  (翅膀) and the human cant proceed without dreams.servedLadiescrossWesternerswings二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。6.More and more Chinese people are used to   food,especially the young.7.  together is a tradition in China to celebrate something.8.Everyone is seated and you   to say something.9.Because of carelessness,she cut one of her  .10.—Help   to the oranges,boys and girls.—Thanks.WesternEatingare expectedfingersyourselves三、基础性语法填空。11.Eating habits in foreign countries are different   those in China.12.Nobody likes to be laughed at,  we should be kind to everyone.13.It is thought to be impolite to leave after you finish  (eat) a meal.14.Its well-known that knives and forks are used   most Western food.15.If you  (offer) more food than you can,just say “No,



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