冀教版四年级英语下册 (First,Second,Third)Days and Months 教学课件.pptx

冀教版四年级英语下册 (First,Second,Third)Days and Months 教学课件.pptx

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Unit 2 Days and Months Lesson 8 First, Second, Third Greeting Hello, everyone. How are you?Fine, thank you. How are you?I’m fine, thanks. Nice to see you again.Glad to see you again. 1. Warming up Let’s sing a song: Twelve MonthsCount from one to twelve: One, two, three, four...twelve.2. Review 01 Mouse is the first. 02 Cow is the second. 03 Tiger is the third. 04 Rabbit is the fourth.有请小演员们按顺序登场! 05 Dragon is the fifth. 06 Snake is the sixth. 07 Horse is the seventh. 08 Sheep is the eighth. 09 Monkey is the ninth. 10 Cock is the tenth. 11 Dog is the eleventh. 12 Pig is the twelveth. 序数词听录音总结信息素养高练习说序数词1、2、3变体,-th从4起;8加-h,9去-e;拿来-f代-ve,-ty变成-tie。 Repeat Sentence010203Li Ming is the first.The girl is the second.The boy in red shorts is the third. 请三位同学按顺序走出教室,我们来用序数词表达。Wang Peng is the first.123Xu Fang is the second.Li Guangmin is the third. 看日历,说序数词for exampleJanuary is the first month. 句型操练单词练习twelvesecondMarchfifthOctober fourSeptembertwelfthDecemberMayeightJuly序数词基数词月份4. Practice同学们,这些单词迷路了,你可以把他们送回家么?现在分成两个小组,比赛获胜方有奖品哦!sixteen AB和小伙伴用所学单词和句型编写一组小对话。做同步练习。5. Consolidation and extension See you! First,second,third.Unit 2 Lesson 8 Please describe them with“月份+is+the+序数词+month” Warm-up 句型:月份+is+the+序数词+monthJanuary is the first month.October is the tenth month. This is a race.Li Ming is the first.The girl is the second.The boy in red shorts is the third. 1. one first2. two second3. three third4. four fourth5. five fifth6. six sixth7. seven seventh8. eight eighth9. nine ninth10. ten tenth11. eleven eleventh12. twelve twelfthLet′s say them together. Ask and answer(1)Who is the first?(2)Who is the second?(3)Who is the third?Li Ming is the first.The girl is the second.The boy in red


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