北师大高中英语必修一 (Life Choices)新课件(第1课时).pptx

北师大高中英语必修一 (Life Choices)新课件(第1课时).pptx

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Unit 1Life Choices第1课时 Topic Talk Talk about your new school life Your new school life What is it like? excitingstressful stressful = stress + ful Your new school life What is it like? excitingstressfulchallenging challengingchallenge Your new school life What is it like? excitingstressfulchallengingHow do you feel about it and why?excitedstressed Your new school life What is it like? How do you feel about it and why?Is it different from your previous school life? the campuspeople… Your new school life What is it like? How do you feel about it and why?Is it different from your previous school life? What is your new plan for your new school life? Listen to Dialogue 1. Read and make predictions.I’m a new senior secondary school student. My new school life is very __________.Personal feelingsexciting, interesting, stressful, boring, challenging Read and make predictions.I feel excited because this school __________.Reasonsdiffers in many ways from my previous one, is much bigger and more dynamic than I expectedhas a big playground / a friendly head teacher / a beautiful campus / an excellent student center / a big library Read and make predictions.What is also very different is that students in the same class __________. Forms of learning(can / can’t) have different schedules / choices for different clubs, (do not) have fixed classrooms, do group projects, have group discussions, share ideas or check work together Read and make predictions.In the next three years, I hope I will __________.Expectationslearn many new thingsdevelop confidence in speaking English / competence in a variety of new skillshave a happier, more fruitful and satisfying life Listen to Dialogue 1. Underline the words and expressions you hear in the right column. Text builderI’m a new senior secondary school student. My new school life is very __________.I feel excited because this school __________.What is also very different is that students in the same class __________. In the next three y


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