冀教版四年级英语下册 (Rain and Sun)Days and Months 教学课件.pptx

冀教版四年级英语下册 (Rain and Sun)Days and Months 教学课件.pptx

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Unit 2 Days and months Lesson 10 Rain and Sun GreetingHow are you today?Fine, thanks. And you?I’m fine, too.1. Warming up January or February.When is the Spring Festival?September the tenth.When is Teachers’ Day?2. Review May the first.When is International Workers’ Day?October the first.When is National Day? “The Month Song”Sing the song 3. PresentationWhat is it?It is a sun.What colour is it?It is red.Is the sun hot or cold?It is hot. What is it?It is the cloud.What colour is it?It is black. What is it?It is the rain.Where is the rain from?It’s from the cloud. 单词联想学习snowwind Sing a song How do you feel when you are under a sun?The sun is hot.4. Practice This is the cloud and the rain.Where is the cloud?The cloud is above.Where is the rain?The rain is below. What’s in the picture?This is wind. What’s in the picture?This is snow.What colour is it?Snow is white.Look at my pictures. Exercise两人一组进行会话练习,听录音两遍,并在第二次跟读,模仿语音语调。最后,三人一组对话表演。 1.和小伙伴用所学单词和句型编写一组小对话。2.做同步练习。5. Consolidation and extension Thanks! Lesson 10 Rain and SunUnit 2 Days and Months四年级下册 What’s the weather today? 1. What is it?This is the sun. The sun is hot.Do you see the cloud and the rain?Look at the wind.This is snow. Snow is cold and white.I like rain and snow. What about you? /h?t/ adj. ( 形容词) 热的 [ 四会]例句:The summer is hot. 夏天是热的。形近词记忆法:hat 帽子 not 不一词多义:hot 辛辣的 Do you see the cloud and the rain? 你看到云和雨了吗?知识点 2/re?n/ n.( 名词) 雨;下雨例句:Do you like the rain? 你喜欢雨吗?词形变化:rain( 名词) → rainy( 形容词) 多雨的短语:heavy rain 大雨 句型结构:Do/Does + 主语+ 动词原形+ 其他?用法:这是一个以助动词Do/Does 开头的一般疑问句,回答时用Yes 或No,朗读时用升调。例句:Do you like the rain? 你喜欢雨吗?Does Jenny like snow? 詹妮喜欢雪吗? Snow is cold and white. 雪是冰冷的、白色的。知识点 3/sn??/ n.(名词) 雪;v.(动词) 下雪 [四会]例句:Snow is white. 雪是白色的。词形变化:snow( 名词) → snowy( 形容词) 多雪的 /k??ld/ adj. ( 形容词) 冷的;寒冷的 [ 四会]例句:Snow is cold. 雪是冰冷的。对应词记忆法:hot 热的短语:catch a cold 患感冒加法记忆法:old(年老的)+ c= cold( 寒冷的) What about you? 你呢?知识点 4用法:用于询问情况或打听消息;也用于提出建议,征求对方的观点或看法。例句:I’m ten years old. What about you?我十岁了。你呢?What about goin


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