冀教版八年级英语下册 (Garbage Is Interesting!)Save Our World! 课件.pptx

冀教版八年级英语下册 (Garbage Is Interesting!)Save Our World! 课件.pptx

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初中英语冀教版八年级Unit8 Save Our WorldGarbage Is Interesting! Teaching Aims:Build the belief to save our earth.Cultivate the feelings of responsibilities.Teaching Important Points and difficult Points:Learn new vocabulary for describing materials and for comparing quantities.Learn common expressions for offering assistance.New words and phrases to compare quantities.Warm upLook at some picturesThink About ItDo you think garbage is interesting?What have you done in a schoolyard clean-up?PresentationRead and fill in the blanksWhenWhat On Tueaday_________________ and picked up the garbage_____________went for a walk and found a _________ toyOn Wednesday___________ the garbage and ___________ the garbage ________ differentToday________ a car _________ garbage____________go on a class trip to ______________________________cleaned upusedLater on Tuesdaydividedsortedintomadeout ofLater this monththe city recycling centreRetellThe teacher asked Jenny to make a report about garbage. If you were Jenny, how would you make the report?On Tuesday(clean up, pick up)On Wednesday(sort, o..)Later that day(go for a walk, pick up)Later this month(go on a trip)Today(made...out of..)Let’s Do It!1. Read the lesson and fill in the table.This weekOn TuesdayLater on TuesdayOn WednesdayTodayLater this mothWe learned about pollution.Danny, Brian and I cleaned up the schoolyard. All of our classmates helped.Danny made a car out of garbage.Let’s Do It!2. Complete the dialogues using the phrases in brackets.1.A: The schoolyard is dirty. (clean up)B: __________________________2. A: There is too much garbage. (pick up)B:___________________________3. A: What a sunny day! (go for a walk)B: ______________________________4. A: It’s cold outside! (put on)B: ___________________________________Let’s clean up together.Shall we pick it up?How about going for a walk?Put on your coat. Task 3 Make a report about how to prevent garbage from polluting our environment. Task 1Make a posterabout how todivide the garbage .


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