冀教版八年级英语下册 (Why Are Plants Important)Plant a Plant 课件教学.pptx

冀教版八年级英语下册 (Why Are Plants Important)Plant a Plant 课件教学.pptx

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Unit 2 Plant a Plant!Why Are Plants Important? 课前自主预习Lesson 8  Why Are Plants Important?单词闯关1. pleasant________2. shade__________3. fulfill________4.基本的;基础的________5. soil________使人愉快的树荫;阴凉处达到;执行basic 土;土壤Lesson 8  Why Are Plants Important?短语互译be made from ____________be important to _______________3.总之;一句话____________4.从……获取能量 ____________5.把……带走____________由……制成对……重要in a wordtake energy from…carry…awayLesson 8  Why Are Plants Important?句型在线1.树和其他植物帮助净化空气。Trees and other plants________ ________ the air.2.在森林里散步是令人愉快的。________ ________ ________ ________ in the forest. 3.这儿有一棵面包圈树吗?________ ________ a donut tree?help cleanIt’s pleasant to walkIs there Lesson 8  Why Are Plants Important?课堂互动探究句型透视●1 It‘s pleasant to walk in the forest. 在森林里散步是令人愉快的。[探究] (1)“Its+形容词(+for sb.)+to do sth.”意为“(对某人来说)做某事是……的”。其中it在句中作________主语,真正的主语是后面的______________短语。例如:Its very useful to learn English well. 学好英语是很有用的。形式动词不定式Lesson 8  Why Are Plants Important?[探究] (2)pleasant作形容词,意为“使人愉快的”,在句中作表语或定语。例如:The leaves in the water produce a pleasant smell. 水里的叶子发出芬芳的气味。[辨析] pleasant与pleased词条意义用法pleasant令人愉快的表示事物给人的感受,主语为物pleased愉快的表示人对事物的感受,常见词组为be pleased with,意为“对……感到满意”Lesson 8  Why Are Plants Important?活学活用 1.(1)单项填空2017·益阳改编 Its necessary for you________ the classroom clean, class. A. keep B. keeping C. to keep D. keeps(2)用pleased或pleasant填空①We spent a ________ even-ing.②Our parents are ________ with the result.C pleasantpleasedLesson 8  Why Are Plants Important?句型透视●2 Medicine and clothing are also made from trees and plants.药和衣服也是由树木和植物制成的。[探究] be made from意为“由……制成”,表示从成品中______(看出/看不出)原材料。看不出Lesson 8  Why Are Plants Important?[辨析] be made of/from/in/by词条含义及用法例句be made of由……制成,从成品中可以看出原材料The house is made of wood.这所房子是木制的。be made from由……制成,从成品中看不出原材料Paper is made from wood.纸是由木头制成的。Lesson 8  Why Are Plants Important?[辨析] be made of/from/in/by词条含义及用法例句be made in由……制造,介词in后接产地,也可接年份The car is made in China.这辆小汽车是中国制造的。be


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