冀教版八年级英语下册 (单元基础知识过关)Be a Champion! 教学课件.pptx

冀教版八年级英语下册 (单元基础知识过关)Be a Champion! 教学课件.pptx

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单元基础知识过关;单元基础知识过关;单元基础知识过关;重点短语;7.发生;举行__________________ 8.惊讶于……__________________ 9.代表 __________________ 10.梦之队__________________ 11.对……有影响__________________ 12.多次;反复;不断地__________________;重点句型;4.昨天我要求你们做一些关于奥运会历史的调查。 Yesterday I ________ ________ ________ ________ some research on the history of the Olympics. 5.例如,奥运会的标语由主办城市创造,它反映了奥运会的精神。 The Olympic slogan, for example, ________ ________ ________ the host city, and it reflects the spirit of those Olympics. 6.她的妈妈一次又一次地告诉她打扫房间。 Her mother told her to clean up her room_____ _____ ________.;7.为了创造一项新的世界纪录,他一直很努力。 In order to ________ ________ ________ ________ ________, he always works hard. 8.丁宁当运动员???久了? How long ________ Ding Ning ________ an athlete? 9.我们学校在几年前举行了春季运动会。 Our school held its spring sports meet ________ _______ ______. 10.我们的教室长十米。Our classroom is ______ ______ ________.;11.他们每两年进行一次家庭旅行。 They have a family trip ________ ________ ________. 12.五环代表五大洲团结在一起。 The five rings _______ ______ the five continents united together. 13.梦之队被认为是在它的领域内最优秀的队伍。 A dream team _____ ________ ______be the greatest team in its field. 14.我们没有人能够追上他!________ ________ us could catch him!;基础知识迁移;Ⅱ.用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. Put on your socks to keep your ________(foot) warm. 2.Kate ran ________(fast) than the other two girls. 3.The boy is ________ at the ________news. (amaze) 4.Each player ________(want) to get a gold medal. 5.I think he is ________(tall) boy of the three.;短语运用 ;4.All people ____________ the actors perfect performance yesterday. 5.The Summer Olympics are held ____________. 6.____________, we failed in the match, but we never gave up. 7.English ________________ our daily life. 8.Can you catch the ball when you ____________?;句型突破 ;4.Could you tell me? Where are you from? (改为复合句) Could you tell me where ________ ________ from? 5.The hall is full of people.(改为同义句) The hall is ________ ________ people. 6.They competed fairly in the gam


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