冀教版八年级英语下册 (Why Are Plants Important)Plant a Plant 新课件.pptx

冀教版八年级英语下册 (Why Are Plants Important)Plant a Plant 新课件.pptx

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冀教版 Unit2;Lesson 8 Why Are Plants Important? ;Plants around our school;听写本课单词以及短语。 (对桌互判,小组长汇报各组听写情况) ;;basic shade forest cover pleasant;Most animals live in the _____and eat the fruit from the trees. And plants ______ the soil. That way, the wind and water don’t carry the soil away.;Listening; 1.when the weather is sunny and hot, you can sit ___________under a tree. 2.Trees and others plants are important to people. They help us ____ our ____ needs. 3.And plants cover the soil. That way, the wind and water don’t ______the _____ away.;Role-play;Language points;1.take energy from… 从……获取能量 人必须从食物中获取能量。 People must take energy from food.;2. carry… away 把……搬(移)走 我们的英语老师让我把这张桌子搬走。 Our English teacher asked me to carry the desk away. ; 3. 主语+ can’t…without… …没有…不能… 没有你的帮助,我不能完成我的作业。 I can’t finish my homework without your help.;根据所学知识点,完成下列习题; 1.without 、fish、water、can’t、live. Fish can’t live without water. 2.heavy、the、soil、away、 the、 rain 、carry、 can. The heavy rain can carry the soil away. 3.All、 take、 and、 trees、 from 、sun、 the、 plants 、energy. All trees and plants take energy from the sun. ;Work in groups. Think about why do we need plants .Discuss the importance of plants.; 1.完成第8课导学训练 2.写一篇关于植物重要性的作文,不少于70词。 ;单元基础知识过关;基础知识清单;6.选择(v.)________→ (n.)________ 7.录像;记录(v.)记载(n.)________ 8.生动有趣的;充满活力的________ 9.出生;生育________ 10.参加;出席________ 11.接触;联系触摸;接触(v.)________ 12.尺寸;大小________;20.地址________ 21.顶部;(物的)上面________ 22.邮票________ 23.邮递员;邮差________→ (复数)________ 24.气球________ 25.蜡烛________ 26.深的________;重点短语 ;7.聚会________________ 8.试穿________________ 9.给……一个热情的拥抱________________ 10.给……最美好的祝福________________ 11.在……顶上________________ 12.未能如愿;不走运________________;13.时尚;流行________________ 14.关掉________________ 15.许愿________________ 16.吹熄;吹灭________________;重点句型 ;4.我们将有一个七天的假期。 Well have ________ ________ holiday. 5.谢谢你发来的电子邮件! ________ ________ ________ the e-mail. 6.永远不要忘记与家人保持联系。 ________ forget ________ _



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