冀教八年级英语上册Unit3 Families Celebrate Together Lesson 17 课件.pptVIP

冀教八年级英语上册Unit3 Families Celebrate Together Lesson 17 课件.ppt

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Families Celebrate Together;第十三的 ;;beautiful birthday cards;Objectives;Expressions: best wishes to… on the top of have no luck All ready! put…into send sth. to sb.;Listen and tick the sentences that DO NOT belong.;Read the lesson and answer the questions.;Language Points;They are going to send the cards and presents to China. 他们正打算把卡片和礼物邮到中国去。 I will send Grandmother a gift (send a gift to Grandmother) on her birthday. 祖母生日时我要寄给她一件礼物。;2. Best wishes to you on your thirteenth birthday. 在你13岁生日之际,把最好的祝福送给你。 Please give my best wishes to your parents. 请代我向你的父母致意。 Give my best wishes to you and your family. 送上我的祝福,给你和你的家人!;3. Danny and Jenny put the presents and cards into a box. 丹尼和詹妮把礼物和卡片放进了盒子里。 I accepted his advice and put it into practice. 我接受了他的建议并付诸行动。 Rubbish should be put into the dustbin. 垃圾应堆放在垃圾箱里。;4. He writes Li Ming’s address on the top of the box. 他把李明的地址写在盒子上面。 There is some snow on the top of the mountain. 山顶上有雪。 Two birds are sitting on the top of a house. 两只鸟正落在房顶上。;5. She goes to look for stamps, but she has no luck. 她去找邮票,但运气不好没找到。 Why does she have no luck to marry this man? 为什么她就没有福气嫁给这个男人呢? I have no luck on this machine. 我跟这台机器算是没缘。;Match the words with the correct meanings.;Time for reflection;注:另附word文档,点此链接;Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示写单词。 You can paste(粘贴) the broken pieces together with t____. 2. I’m going to the post office to p____  a letter this afternoon. 3. Lisa is too busy this month. She hasn’t finished reading the book y____. 4. Can you tell me Jenny’s new a_______ ? I want to know where she lives now. 5. You need to buy a s______ to mail your letter.;Ⅱ. 选择填空。 I received a birthday card ______ (of / from) my friend Bob yesterday. 2. Happy birthday ___ (for / to) you, Jenny! 3. Wang Mei is going to hold a party for her__________ (thirteen / thirteenth) birthday. 4. ________________(Mary and Lynn’s / Mary’s and Lynn’s) room is big and bright. 5. When I _____(get / got) home, my mother was c



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