高考英语复习课件:人教选修十 Unit 3 Fairness for allLanguage points.pptVIP

高考英语复习课件:人教选修十 Unit 3 Fairness for allLanguage points.ppt

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Language Points; 1. boycott ① vt.联合抵制 to refuse to buy sth., use sth., or take part in sth. as a way of protesting. 如: We boycott all products tested on animals. 我们抵制用动物做产品实验。; ② n. 抵制 an act of boycotting sth. , or the period of time when it is boycotted. Phrases from other entries: boycott of/on/against 抵制 called for a boycott 号召抵制 organize a boycott 组织抵制; 如:The group is urging a nationwide boycott of toys manufactured with child labor. 这个组织呼吁联合抵制雇佣童工生产的玩具。 He called for a boycott of the elections. 他呼吁联合抵制选举活动。; 2. prohibit 禁止,阻止 to say that an action is illegal or not allowed. 如: Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the factory. 厂内严禁吸烟。; prohibit sb. from doing sth. 禁止,阻止别人作某事 如: They are prohibited from revealing details about the candidates. 他们被禁止透露候选人信息。; 3. offense <美>=offence n. (动词形式:offend) an illegal action or a crime. 如: The possession of stolen property is a criminal offence. 占有偷盗赃物是一种犯罪行为。 Punishment for a first offence is a fine. 初犯的惩罚是罚款。; His solicitor said he committed the offence because he was heavily in debt. 他的律师宣称他负债太多已构成犯罪。 The bill makes it an offence to carry a knife. 法令视携带刀具为犯规行为。;4. submit 服从;顺从; ② submit an application/claim/proposal etc. 如:All applications must be submitted by Monday. 所有的申请周一前必须提交。; ③ to suggest or say sth. submit +(that)从句 如: I submit that the jury has been influenced by the publicity in this case. 我承认陪审团在这个案件中已经受公 众影响。;5. punctual ;be punctual for sth;6. salute v.; 如:The two soldiers saluted Lieutenant Cecil. 那两个士兵向塞西尔中尉致敬。 The men jumped to their feet and saluted. 他们跳起来敬礼。; ② to praise someone for the things they have achieved, especially publicly. salute sb as sth. 如:James Joyce was saluted as the


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