会计专业英语怎么说 .pdf

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会计专业英语怎么说 会计专业是研究企业在一定的营业周期内如何确认收入和资产的学问。那么,你知道 会计专业的英语怎么说吗? 会计专业的英文释义: accounting profession 会计专业的英文例句: 他正在学习会计学或他是一名会计专业的学生。 He is studying accountancy or he is an accountancy student. 会计模拟实训室环境建设,直接影响到高职院校会计专业人才培养质量及会计专业可 持续发展。研究高职院校会计模拟实训室环境建设的现状和对策,加强会计模拟实训室的 建设,具有重要意义。 The environment development of accounting simulation laboratories (ASL) at higher vocational colleges has direct influences upon the quality of professional accounting personnel training and the sustainable development of accounting discipline. 作为会计专业核心专业课程的“出纳实务”承担着培养会计专业学生今后从事会计职 业及出纳工作必备技能的重任。 the Course Cashier in Practice, one of the core professional curriculums on accounting, plays the important role in educating students majoring in accounting to master accounting and cashier skills. 文章分析了当前我国独立学院会计专业办学特色中存在的问题,在此基础上提出独立 学院优化会计专业办学特色的基本策略。 The paper analyzes some problems in the teaching of accounting in independent colleges and proposes some strategies to optimize the teaching characteristics. 现代会计教学的内容主要涵盖会计专业技能教育和会计职业道德教育。 The content of modern accounting teaching mainly contains career skill education and moral education of the accounting profession. 我本身也很喜欢会计这个专业,乐于从事会计相关的工作,愿意在工作中提高自己的 会计专业水平和自身素质。 I am also like the accounting profession, willing to engage in accounting related work, willing to work to improve their own quality standards and the accounting profession. 本课程广泛介绍财务会计专业知识??会计数据,资产负责表,收益报表,损耗,存货 会计,财务报表分析和审计入门。 This course explores the broader areas of financial accounting - accounting information, the balance sheet, the income statement, depreciation, accounting for inventories, financial statement analysis and introductory auditing. 会计行业的火爆也促使报考会计专业的学生越来越多。 The job growth has sparked greater interest in accounting on college campuses. 其次,成立调查局的建议会提高会


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