人教目标八年级英语上册作业课件:Unit 10 周末作业.pptxVIP

人教目标八年级英语上册作业课件:Unit 10 周末作业.pptx

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周末作业;一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词,每空一词。 1.Jane is       (沮丧的) because she lost her smartphone on the bus. 2.I often go to my best friend for a      when I have problems. 3.Our school o      a book sale in the library a few days ago. 4.Mr. Li sleeps in the daytime and drives a       (出租车) at night. 5.Mary broke the       (巧克力) into pieces and gave them to the children.;6.My parents are still a     with me for not telling them the truth. 7.Jack was smart and he got a good idea to       (解决) the problem soon. 8.When I wanted to pay for the meal,I found I didn’t take my w     at all. 9.John won’t go to the party       (除非) you promise to go with him together. 10.Liu Yan just left university,so she has little e      of teaching.;二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。 11.It is quite       for students to feel worried before the exams. 12.—Is there anything       I can do for you? —No,thanks. 13.We’re making a plan to       around Europe during the summer holidays.;14.You can       me.I’ll look after your dog well when you’re away. 15.If you follow the five      ,you can make a delicious pancake. ;三、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。 16.I ordered a chicken hamburger and some           (炸薯条) for lunch. 17.They have a           (班会) once a week,every Monday afternoon. 18.The two brothers felt bored at home,so they               . (看录像).;19.               (班上一半的学生) arrived late for school because of the snow. 20.They were                (太累了而不能) carry on.;四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 21.他挑选了一个大西瓜,然后把它切成了两半。 He chose a big watermelon and then      it          . 22.这名演员在采访中回避了一些私人问题。 The actor                some private questions during the interview. 23.她太害怕,不敢一个人在房间里睡觉。 She was                     in the room alone.;24.在考试中,你应该尽量不要犯粗心的错误。 You should try your best not to                in the exams. 25.如果你答应保守秘密,我就告诉你。 If you promise to      it          ,I will tell you.;五、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空词数不限。 26.如果他邀请我,我会去参加他的派对。 If he invites me, 


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