学案导学与随堂笔记(人教)英语必修4同课异构课件:Unit 5《Section Four Using language》.pptxVIP

学案导学与随堂笔记(人教)英语必修4同课异构课件:Unit 5《Section Four Using language》.pptx

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Unit 5 Theme parks Futuroscope ----Excitement and Learning Pre-reading Would you like to take a journey deep into the sea? Why? 普瓦提埃(POITIER)位于巴黎西南约33公里处,是法国一座古老的城市。从普瓦提埃向东北郊行驶10公里,便可以来到闻名世界的未来影视城。 未来影视城的法文名字是LE FUTUROSCOPE,FUTUR指未来,SCOPE表示用于观察东西的镜或仪器,两个合在一起,即指通过这个镜去观察未来。未来电影城是世界上惟一一座集中了最先进、最精致的视听高科技设备的乐园。它带给人们全新的视觉享受,增强人们超越现实时空的想象力,激发人们闯入未来世界的遐想。 ReadingTask 1: What are three times and three places you can visit at Futuroscope?Three times: past, present and futureThree places: earth, bottom of the sea and space Futuroscope---- a theme park in France take a journey deep intospace Journey to the systemPulled into asolarBlack Hole Surviving an aircrash Undersea trip take part in down the most difficult mountaincar racingSkiing Meeting with a dinosaurface to face Discussion 1. How can it do these things?2.Can you really do these things orthey are just a kind of experience? Task 2: Main topic of each paragraph.Para 1.Para 2.Para 3.What I did at Futuroscope.A general description of the parkGeneral information about how to visit the park para2.1. How can it do these things? 2.Can you really do these things or they are just a kind of experience? Are you really taken away from the earth?It is a science and technology-based themepark.Its 3-D cinemas and giant movie screens provide brand new experience of the earthand beyond. para31.How can we get the tickets?2.Is it only for individuals?3.Is it convenient for people to get to the park?We can buy one at the Park’s entrance oronlineNo.Not only for individuals but also for largegroups.get the group admission rate.Yes.1.has many , most of which provide sevice.2.within easy reach of the hotelsshuttlefreeway souvenirIt has many shows, activitiesand great shops sneakers The trip of Futuroscopemeet a dinosaurcar racing and ski down the mountains solar systemBrazil thebottom of the ocean Designing a map 1. experience:


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