冀教版九年级英语上册 (Accidents Happen)Safety 课件.pptx

冀教版九年级英语上册 (Accidents Happen)Safety 课件.pptx

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Lesson 14 Accidents Happen Think About ItWhat do you need to do when you cross the street?What should you do when you see someone badly hurt in an accident? New wordstown n. 镇ugly adj. 丑陋的shoulder n. 肩wound n. 伤口expect v. 期望accident n. 事故Alberta 阿尔伯塔James 詹姆斯reporter n. 记者roll v. 滚动Andrews 安德鲁斯fault n. 缺点icy adj. 结冰的recover v. 恢复 Reading task Read the lesson. Ask students to finish Exercise 1 in groups. Then ask students to finish it on Page 37. Language notes1. The accident happened at about 7:30 a.m. 事故大约发生在早上7:30。happen意为“发生;碰巧”,为不及物动词。Sth. happen to sb.意为“某人发生某事”。A car accident happened to her this morning. 今天上午她生了交通事故。sb. happens to do意为“某人碰巧做某事”。I happened to meet a friend in the street yesterday. 昨天我在大街上碰巧遇到了一个朋友。 2. I wanted to stop her from running after the ball…我想阻止她去追赶那个球……stop sb. (from) doing sth.阻止某人做某事,相当于prevent sb. (from) doing sth., keep sb. from doing sth.No one can stop him playing football. 没人能阻止他踢足球。 3. The car couldn’t stop in time. 这辆车不能及时停止。in time意为“及时”,on time意为“准时”。Teacher asked us to hand in homework on time. 老师让我们准时交作业。The wounded man was sent to hospital in time. 受伤的人被及时送到了医院。 根据提示补全单词1. It snowed last night, and the road was very i____ this morning.2. I don’t think this picture is beautiful. It’s u_____, instead.3. The _______ (事故) happened on a cold Sunday morning.4. I’m ________ (期望) a letter from Li Ming.5. The Smith family moved to a ______ (城镇) last year. cyExerciseglyaccidentexpectingtown Lesson 14 Accidents Happen WordsaccidenttownAlbertaJamesreporterrollAndrewsn. 事故;意外n. 城镇阿尔伯塔(地名)詹姆斯(人名)n. 记者v. 滚动;(使)翻滚安德鲁斯(姓氏) If we don’t obey the traffic rules, accidents will happen easily. What should you do when you see someone badly hurt in an accident? 1. To listen and understand the news about an accident2. To learn to report on an accident3. To learn some useful words and expressions in this lessonObjectives Words: town ugly shoulder wound expectaccident reporter roll fault recoverPhrases:in time r



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