高中英语(人教必修四)配套课件:Unit 4 Body language Period One Word含解析.pptVIP

高中英语(人教必修四)配套课件:Unit 4 Body language Period One Word含解析.ppt

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Unit 4 ——; You’ve been practicing what to say at an interview,but have you considered what signals your body language is sending?Research suggests up to 93 percent of communication is broadcast through our actions and attitude. Patti Wood,a body language expert,suggests the following tips to help you: Palm--to--palm contact is key.Wood explains,“My research suggests that palm contact is important...If someone shakes hands with you and gives you just her fingers and not her full palm,at a subconscious level you may think,‘What is she hiding? What is she keeping from me?’”; How to sit.Don’t make yourself smaller in stature.Appear brave by keeping your body open.Wood notes,“Keep your arms away from your body,legs uncrossed,and shoulders down and back.” Show your hands.Showing your hands helps you appear open and approachable.“Keep your hands open and in view.” Wood notes. She also adds,“When you close your hands,the amount of tightness shows how you feel about the topic.”; End well.While first impressions are important,people will also remember the last thing you do or say.Wood suggests,“As the conversation winds down,make sure your things are on the left side of your body so you can easily shake with your right hand.” Even if the interview didn’ t go well,keep focused and confident until the end and you may be able to improve the impression you leave.;Notes 1.contact n.接触;联系 2.subconscious adj.下意识的 3.stature n.身高 4.tightness n.紧张 5.wind down逐渐变慢,松下来;Task True(T) or False(F). 1.A large part of communication is broadcast through body language.( ) 2.Wood suggests keeping your hands under the table at an interview.( );Period One Warming Up,Pre--reading & Reading;Ⅰ.单词检测 1. n. 陈述;说明 2. vi.& vt. 迎接;问候 n. 问候 3. vt. 代表;象征 4. n. 社团;联系;联想;;;;Ⅰ.阅读课文,匹配各段落的大意 Para.1( )  A.To suggest studying international customs. Paras.2&3( ) B.To meet



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