初中新概念英语第一册 上半册 Lesson 17-18 课件.ppt

初中新概念英语第一册 上半册 Lesson 17-18 课件.ppt

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Lesson 17-18 Sara Review Choose the right words: This/That/These/Those This That These Those is are oranges an elephant pears a bird Match according to the picture 句型转换一般疑问句并做肯定回答、否定回答 This is an elephant. I am a Swedish. That is a bird. They are my friends. These are oranges. He is a boy. Those are pears. My hat is new. What nationality are you? Vocabulary 问好 平常问好 Hello! Hi How are you? I’m fine/very well. Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, too! 陌生人问好 How do you do! How do you do! employer 雇主 employee 雇员 -er 主动 -ee 被动 sales rep 销售代表 keyboard operator 键盘操作员 office assistant 办公室助理 hard-working 勤奋的 adj. The man is very hard-working. 这个男人工作很勤奋。 man 男人 woman 女人 Mr. Miss Mrs Ms Grammar 名词 Noun 不规则变化 man-men woman-women milkman-milkmen policewoman-policewomen mouse-mice child-children Chinese-Chinese Japanese-Japanese people-people sheep-sheep Exercises man- child- woman- sheep- customs officer- chinese- wish- Japanese- watch- leaf air hostess- half- candy- sandwich- tomato- city- hero- photo- 填写正确的人称代词 1 That man is tall.______is a policeman. 2 Those girls are busy._________are keyboard operators. 3 Our names are Britt and Inge



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