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PAGE PAGE I 当前监理工作存在的问题及对策 摘 要 随着市场经济的发展,建筑产品的质量在建筑界具有非常重要的地位,特别是在竞争日益激烈的建筑市场条件下,项目建设控制因素中最为重要的一个因素是施工质量已成为项目建设控制因素的重点。工程监理作为一种社会化、科学化、专业化程度较高的管理方式,在工程建设中所起到的作用已逐渐被社会所认可。其主要目标是从组织管理的方面实施有效的科学方法,促进建设项目的成本目标,期限目标和质量目标的有效实现,最终使业主获得最高投入产出率。由于在工程监理过程中存在许多可变因索,其中出现问题,必然会影响项目的施工质量。因此如何克服工程监理在施工阶段的问题是该文章的中心思想,并就具体问题提出具体的解决办法。 关键词:施工阶段;工程监理;施工质量 Abstract With the development of market economy, the quality of construction products plays a very important role in the construction industry. Especially in the increasingly fierce competition in the construction market, one of the most important factors in the project construction control factor is that the construction quality has become the focus of the project construction control factor. As a socialized, scientific and professional management mode, project supervision has been recognized by the society gradually. Its main goal is to implement effective scientific methods from the aspects of organization and management, promote the effective realization of the cost target, deadline target and quality target of the construction project, and finally make the owner obtain the highest input and output rate. As there are many variable factors in the process of project supervision, problems will inevitably affect the construction quality of the project. Therefore, how to overcome the problems in the construction stage of the project supervision is the central idea of this article, and put forward specific solutions to specific problems. Key words: construction stage; Project supervision; Construction quality 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 1 引言 1 1.1研究背景及意义 1 1.2研究综述 2 2 工程建设监理概述 3 2.1 工程建设监理 3 2.2 工程建设监理的运作模式 4 3 施工阶段工程监理的作用及出现的问题 5 3.1 施工阶段工程监理的作用 5 3.1.1 为施工质量提供多一层的保障 5 3.1.2 建立监督机制,文明规范施工 5 3.1.3 最大程度上实现建设工程投资效益 6 3.2 施工阶段工程监理中出现的问题 6 3.2.1 监理行为不规范 6 3.2.2 监理制度不健全 7 3.2.3 工程监理的责权利错位 7 3.2.4 工程监理信息化不成熟 7 4 解决施工阶段工程监理存在问题的对策 8 4.1提高施工监理人员的素质 8 4.2完善和理顺建设法规体系 8 4.3完善工程监管理职责


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