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PAGE PAGE PAGE III PAGE PAGE 1 EPC项目造价管理与控制方法研究 摘要 当前,我国的经济发展正表现出稳中求进的态势,与之相关的建设工程规模也在逐渐扩大,其具备了系统化、专业化的基本特征,此时对参建方的项目管理水平提出了更高的要求。关于EPC总承包模式,它突破了传统体系的束缚,能够很好地与国际接轨,因此,也受到了大量建设单位的青睐。在多年的发展下,它已经被广泛应用于公共基础设施、安居工程等领域之中。EPC工程总承包是一种全过程的总承包模式,造价管理是其项目管理中的一个重要方面,直接影响着工程项目经济效益的实现。本文在EPC工程总承包的基本理论基础上,将阶段造价协调管理体系应用于N公司EPC工程总承包项目,分析项目的实际情况和管理成果。阶段造价协调管理能够提高企业对EPC工程总承包项目造价管理的管控能力,具有一定的经济意义和社会意义。 关键词:EPC项目;总承包模式;造价管理 Abstract At present, Chinas economic development is showing the trend of seek improvement in stability, and the related construction project scale is gradually expanding, which has the basic characteristics of systematization and specialization. At this time, higher requirements are put forward for the project management level of the participants. As for EPC general contracting mode, it breaks through the shackles of the traditional system and can be well in line with the international standards. Therefore, it is also favored by a large number of construction units. After years of development, it has been widely used in public infrastructure, housing projects and other fields. EPC project general contracting is a whole-process general contracting mode. Cost management is an important aspect of project management, which directly affects the realization of economic benefits of engineering projects. Based on the basic theory of EPC engineering general contracting, this paper applies the stage cost coordination management system to the EPC engineering general contracting project of N company, and analyzes the actual situation and management results of the project. Stage cost coordination management can improve the enterprises control ability of EPC project cost management, which has certain economic and social significance. Key words:EPCproject; General contracting mode; Cost management 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 摘要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 5 第2章 EPC工程总承包项目的基本理论 6 2.1EPC的含义 6 2.2EPC的特点 6 第3章 EPC造价管理存在的问题及原因 7 3.1合同价款的认知偏差 7 3.2忽视设计阶段的


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