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SB1U2 Onwards and upwards Developing ideas - Three Days to See(28);1 Are the numbers different from what you expected? In what way? 2 What special assistance can people with disabilities make use of in thier daily lives?;Stephen Hawking; ;Background Information ;a symble of courage 勇气的象征 in the face of overwheliming odds在巨大的逆境面前 handicapped adj./?h?ndik?pt/ 残疾的 be stricken with 患上某种疾病或遭受某种不幸 priviledged adj./?pr?v?l?d?d/(因非常富有或社会地位高而)享有特权的;荣幸的 well-read adj.博览群书的 with very little success 收效甚微 celebrity n./s??lebr?ti/名声;名人 perception n./p??sep?(?)n/看法,认识;感觉,感知 the masses大众 be brilliant at leveraging /?li?v?r?d?/ 善于利用 on behalf of 代表 prior to 在之前;先于 stereotype n./?steri?ta?p/陈规老套;Helen Keller;Let’s learn one of her great works-Three Days to See ; Task 1: Choose the author’s purpose in writing the passage and give your reasons. A. To help readers understand what it is like to be blind. B. To make readers without disabilities appreciate what they have. C. To persuade readers to care about the blind. Task 2: How many parts can we devide the passage into? Whats the main idea of each part? ;;What would the author do if she could see? ;Read para.8 and figure out what the author’s hint is to those who see. ;What sentence structure is used here? ;... it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some some time during his early adult life.;1. If you were given three days to see, what would you do? 2. How should we interact with people with disabilities?;“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement . Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. ” “乐观是通向成功的信念, 没有希望和信心,就一事无成” Helen Keller



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