人教版九年级英语下册 (Were trying to save the earth!)习题课件(第1课时).pptx

人教版九年级英语下册 (Were trying to save the earth!)习题课件(第1课时).pptx

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Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth!第1课时分层训练[Section A1 1a-2d]课内基础自测课后巩固提升Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth!第1课时分层训练课内基础自测第1课时分层训练Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺的单词1.Bike riding has more _________(优点) than disadvantages.2.There is much rubbish at the ________(底部) of the river.3.There is a ________(木制的) box on the table.advantagesbottomwooden第1课时分层训练4.The bike is very expensive for me. It will ________(花费) me about six hundred yuan.5.Dont laugh at the ________(难看的) picture. After all, it was painted by a four-year-old boy.costugly第1课时分层训练6.My uncle is a ________(渔民) and he goes fishing every day.7.We should use fewer ________(塑料的) bags in order to protect the environment.8.Nylon is made from air, ________(煤) and water.fishermanplasticcoal第1课时分层训练Ⅱ. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1.This method can make a ________ (different) in our life.2.The lake is dirty. But it used to _____ (be) very clean.3.The air is ________ (bad) polluted because there are too many cars now.4.We can take the bus instead of ________ (drive) the car.5.Remember ________(throw) rubbish in the bins and keep public places clean and beautiful. differencebebadlydrivingto throw第1课时分层训练Ⅲ.从方框中选出合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空lay a part, be good for, make a difference,too much, lead to1.Im sure your action will __________ a better future. 2.Everyone should ________________ in cleaning up the city park. 3.You should eat more fruit and vegetables. They ________________ your health. 4.Your actions can ________________ in your life.5.There is ________________ rubbish and waste on the ground. lead toplay a partare good formake a differencetoo much第1课时分层训练Ⅳ.根据汉语意思完成句子1.当地政府号召每个人参加这项活动。The local government called on everybody to ______ ______ ______ the activity. 2.他说他能够自己解决这个问题。He said he ________ ________ ________ solve the problem by himself.take part inwas able to第1课时分层训练3.我更愿意待在家里看电视,而不是跟朋友出去闲逛。________ ________ hanging out with friends, I prefer to watch TV at home.4.这座城市的每一个人都应该在保护环境方面出一份力。Everyone in th


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