人教版九年级英语上册 (When was it invented)习题课件(第1课时).pptx

人教版九年级英语上册 (When was it invented)习题课件(第1课时).pptx

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Unit 6When was it invented?第1课时 A 教材要点回归1. In the opinion of many Chinese scientists, she is the ____________(先锋) in this field(领域). 2. There are different ________(款式) of skirts in this store. 3. My mother usually makes a shopping ________(清单) for me every time I go shopping. 4. You can log on the ____________(网站) to search for some information about it. 5. You cant ____________(提到) anything about this accident in your letter. pioneerstyles list website mentionⅠ. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 1. These ____________(invent) are very important for our daily lives. 2. Working in the garden gives us much ____________(pleasant). 3. One of their ________(day) activities is to play sports for an hour. 4. When I listen to this old song, Ill think of ____________(live) in the countryside in the past. 5. The man over there seems ____________(be) a new teacher. inventions pleasure daily living  to beⅡ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. 你知道电话是什么时候发明的吗?Do you know when the telephone ________ ________?2. 我妹妹不喜欢那条短裤,因为过时了。My sister doesnt like that pair of shorts, because they are ________ _____ ________. 3. 他的铅笔是用来绘画的。His pencil is ________ ________ ________/________ ________ ________. was inventedout of styleused for drawing used to drawⅢ. 根据汉语意思完成句子 4. 不要在这里大声说话,他正在思考问题。Dont talk loudly here. He is ________ ________ problems. 5. 第一辆自行车出现在200多年前。当时人们把它称为“轮子上的马”。The first bike appeared over 200 years ago. At that time it ________ ________ “the horse on wheels”. thinking aboutwas called 1. My mother made this skirt last month. This skirt ________ ________ by my mother last month. 2. We sent many books to the Hope School last week. Many books ________ ________ to the Hope School last week. 3. They plant trees on the hill every year. Trees________ ________ by them on the hill every year. was madewere sentare plantedⅣ. 将下列句子改为被动句 4. We use computers to send e-mails. Comp



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