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知识巩固练习 (英国部分) BRITAIN Part One Geography Chapter I I . Fill in the blanks 1. The British Isles are mainly consists of;West. ;The United Kingdom of;4. is the largest an most populous of the three political divisions on the island of Great Britain.;5. A language is spoken in parts of the Highlands.;6. (1343 meters) is the highest mountain in Britain.;7. is considered as the Backbone of England.;8. The Midland Valley of Scotland is a region of lower hills and rolling country drained by and ,and containing the two principal cities of Scotland and .;9. The climate of Braitain is moderated by the ;10. The longest river of the United Kingdom is ; the most important river of the nation is ;1. Bristol Channel;3. The Scottish Highlands ;5. English channel ;凯尔特语 ;湖区;迪河河口 ;1. Describe the geotraphical position of Britain.;2. What are the geographic features of Britain?;3. Why is British climate much milder than that of many places in the same latitude?;Chapter II Nature Resources; 3. in Britain provide abundant surface water.;Translate the following terms into Chinese 1. the North Sea 2. Cleveland Hills the Atomic Energy Authority 4. Yorkshire ;Translate the following terms into English ;Answer the following questions briefly. 1. What problems occur to British iron and steel industry? ;2. When and where were oil and natural gas deposits found in Britain? How important are they to Britains economy? ;Chapter III Economy;3. The British labor force is remarkably . 4. Most of the industrial areas in Britain are based on which were mined in the 18th and 19th century. 5. are now responsible for about 97% of the auto output.;In 1967,iron and steel industry o


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