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?银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库附答案(重点题)复习 单选题(共50题) 1、资本市场的融资期限一般为( )。 A.3个月到半年 B.半年到1年 C.3个月以下 D.1年以上 【答案】 D 2、下列语句排序最恰当的一项是(  )。 A.(3)(1)(4)(5)(6)(2) B.(4)(6)(2)(3)(1)(5) C.(3)(6)(1)(5)(2)(4) D.(4)(1)(3)(2)(5)(6) 【答案】 A 3、资料:To:Sherry Linton A.Michal Jackson B.Many joy C.A kind of greeting D.The initials of Melanie Jury 【答案】 D 4、我国历史上第一个统一的中央集权制的封建国家是()。 A.夏 B.商 C.秦 D.汉 【答案】 C 5、Today,only 4 million people live and work on farms in the United States,but they produce more than enough food for 200 million Americans.They are able to do this because modern agriculture depends more on up-to-date machinery and scientific methods than it does on old-fashioned knowledge and human labor. A.Modern Farming in the USA B.Problems with Modern Agriculture C.Farming of Today D.Modernization of Agriculture 【答案】 A 6、票据交易价格主要取决于( )。 A.市场利率 B.票面利率 C.票面价值 D.到期价格 【答案】 A 7、在Word中,想用新名字保存文件应(  )。 A.执行“文件”→“另存为”命令 B.执行“文件”→“保存”命令 C.单击工具栏的“保存”按钮 D.复制文件到新命名的文件中 【答案】 A 8、行为作为民事法律关系产生、变更、消灭的法律事实()。 A.不能是违法行为 B.只能是民事法律行为 C.只能是表意行为 D.既可以是合法行为,也可以是违法行为 【答案】 D 9、I have been told to seek legal ________ with regard to selling this property. A.instruction B.decision C.suggestion D.advice 【答案】 D 10、The river is already ___its banks because of the excessive rainfall;and the city is threatened with a likely flood. A.parallel to B.level in C.flat on D.flush with 【答案】 D 11、资料:Italys next government, a coalition between the populistFive Star Movement and the far-right Northern League, is giving investors plenty to worry about. Leaked plans, hastily abandoned, suggested it might want to leave the euro or ask the European Central Bank to forgive €250bn($292bn) of Italian debt. But less attention has been paid to what it might mean for Italian banks, and in particular for their biggest burden: non-performing loans(NPLs). Over €185bn of NPLs were outstanding at the end of 2017, the most for any country in the European Union. (1) A.uneasy B.awkward C.furious D.indifferent 【答案】 A 12、The boy wanted to



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