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* * * * * * * * * Main Message: in this picture. It describes Today’s Materials Flow. We get natural resources from the earth, product goods and services, and during our production, pollutions, waste return back to the earth. Approximately 25% of what goes ‘in the pipe’ comes out as goods and services. Waste from your production process, including goods that are no longer useable, is returned back to the planet creating additional pollution and environmental disturbance. Each year in the US about 6,000 MMT of assets are basically dumped on the planet, these are materials you have paid for and you have to pay to “dispose of” , representing a financial loss to your company. The material waste = your financial cost. Background: Comments: * Main Message: In our opinion, tomorrows materials cycle will come to this picture. At first, we reduce use of natural resources; second , we design the production process as clean productions. It means less energy used and less waste. At last, we will recover the end-used productions to become technical nutrients in new products. Tomorrow’s profit will come from design, not matter, as companies gain advantage from shrinking and closing the material loop. We can decrease material use by reducing the materials required to build our products and recapturing value from our materials at the end of their first life to become “technical nutrients” in new products. Background: “True profit comes from design, not matter” - From What I Learned in the Rainforest, by Tachi Kiuchi, Managing director, Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Comments: Source: Kiuchi, Tachi. What I Learned in the Rainforest”. Speech for New Horizons for Learning. /wwart_kiuchi.html * 各項資源投入量連年增加,尤以化石燃料和礦石為甚 * 近年來污染物排放總量仍在增加,特別是固體廢棄物 * WEEE: Waste Electrical Electronic Equipment 範疇:共計十類、八十一項產品 要求:(對我國產生影響者) 妥善之處理:特定項目之移除,如含汞之零件、電池、大於10cm2之印刷電路板….. 回收率:各類別定有明確之回收率 WEEE指令--2003.2.13通過 RoHS : Restriction of Hazardous Substances in EEE 範疇:與WEEE同(有除外條款) 要求: 2006.7.


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