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Lesson 8 Whats your job? ---by Esther . Quiz:1.My name’s = .2.What nationality are you? = . = .3. What’ your job? = .4.写出5个特殊疑问词: 、 、 、 、 .My name isWhere are you from?Where do you come from?What do you do?wherewhatwhowhosewhy. Review: 1.I am a . My ’s Robert.2.Are you ?(法国人) Yes, . No, . 3.What’s your job? I’m a . (电脑键盘操作员) new studentnameFrenchI amI am notkeyboard operator. 正确排序:1.your. is. Mr.Lee. teacher. 2.nationality. you. what. are.3.student. a. new. am. I4.your. what. job. is.5.is. a. Sophie. student. new. German. is. she.6.is. my. watch. here 7.Swedish. she. a. is. student. French. a. or. student.. 答案:1.Your teacher is Mr. Lee. 2.What nationality are you?3.I am a new student. 4.What is your job?5.Sophie is a new student. She is German.6.My watch is here. 7.Is she a Swedish student or a French student?. New words and expressionspoliceman [p?li?sm?n] n. 警察policewoman [p?li?sw?m?n] n.女警察taxi driver [t?ks?-dra?v?] n. 出租汽车司机air hostess [e?-host?s] n. 空中小姐postman [p??s(t)m?n] n. 邮递员nurse [n??s] n. 护士mechanic [m?k?n?k] n. 机械师hairdresser [he?dres?] n. 理发师housewife [ha?swa?f] n. 家庭妇女milkman [m?lkm?n] n. 送牛奶的人. 1.policeman n. 警察policeman n. 警察police + man---What’s your job?--- I am a policeman.. 2.policewoman n. 女警察policewoman police + womanPl. (复数) policewomen ---What is her job?---She is a policewoman.. 3. taxi driver n. 出租汽车司机drive v. 驾驶drive a taxi/bus/car drive---droveMy mother drove to work yesterday. 我妈妈昨天开车去上班的。. 4. postman n. 邮递员post + manpost n. 邮件 v. 邮寄post office 邮局. 5. housewife n. 家庭妇女housework 家务do housework 做家务. I’m a police.I’m a policewoman.I’m a taxi driver.I’m a air hostess.I’m a postman.. I’m a nurse.I’m a mechanic.I’m a housewife.I’m a hairdresser.I’m a milkman.


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