高中英语语法---连词_高中英语语法---连词微课 高中英语 雁塔区 市第八十五中学 贺东娇.ppt.pptxVIP

高中英语语法---连词_高中英语语法---连词微课 高中英语 雁塔区 市第八十五中学 贺东娇.ppt.pptx

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ENGLISH LESSONHellosuntitleTVdogflagtableloveappleorangeonedogstarskytwoHello Hello EnglishEnglish高中英语语法---连词西安市第八十五中学 贺东娇 对比例句I like cooking. I like eating. I dont like washing dishes afterward.I like cooking and eating, but I dont like washing dishes afterward.andbutWhich is better? ENGLISH LESSONHellosuntitleTVdogflagtableloveappleorangeonedogstarskytwo连词是一种虚词,不能独立担任句子成分,用来连接词与词、短语与短语、或句子与句子。连词主要可分为并列连词和从属连词。什么是连词? 常见并列连词 表因果(因为)表并列表否定表选择或否定表转折表转折或让步表因果(结果)ForAndNorButOrYetSoFANBOYS For常见并列连词例句She must have been very hungry, for she ate everything immediately.AndThey went to the park, and they went down the slide.NorMike doesn’t like doing his homework, nor does he like going to school.ButThe park is empty now, but it will be filled with children after school.OrWe could go get ice cream, or we could go get pizza.YetProjects can be really exciting, yet they may require a lot of hard work.SoI want to go to bed, so I am brushing my teeth.FANBOYS 及时巩固Join the two simple sentences with coordinating conjunctions.I was up late studying. I am tired today.I was up late studying, and I am tired today.I was up late studying, so I am tired today. 及时巩固Join the two simple sentences with coordinating conjunctions.I was up late studying. I am tired today, for I was up late studying.I was up late studying, but/yet I am not tired today.I am tired today.I am not tired today. 其他并列连词的用法both...and...; not only...but also...; neither...nor...1. 表并列关系的连词and;Both he and I?are?happy about it.Not only the mother but also the children are ill.Neither I nor he has seen the play before.Not onlybut alsoNeithernorarehas 其他并列连词的用法either...or...; whether...or...2. 表选择关系的连词or;Either you or I am right.She is always cheerful, whether at home or at school.Eitheroram 其他并列连词的用法3. 表条件关系的连词and;or 祈使句+and/or +简单句Go straight on, and youll see the library.Hurry up, or you’ll be late. 连词是用于连接词短语,从句与句子的虚词,分为并列连词与从属连词。什么是连词For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So常见并列连词both...and..., not only...but also..., neith


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