高考英语一轮基础复习:选修七+Unit+1 Living+well+课件+限时特训(2份)71.docx

高考英语一轮基础复习:选修七+Unit+1 Living+well+课件+限时特训(2份)71.docx

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[基础知识·夯实] 短语填空 in other words; out of breath; in particular; adapt to; have trouble; sit around; meet with; bump into; at a time; in comfort By the roadside several young girls were looking bored. No matter what difficulty you , you must carry out your plan. The little boy tossed the peanuts into his mouth one . The bus the back of the car. Luckily nobody was hurt. I like to travel , so I always go first class on the ship. Most students have little difficulty college life. They asked him to leave- , he was fired. Is there anything youd like for dinner? Hes been making himself understood in English. We were halfway up the mountain. 答案:1. sitting around 2. meet with 3. at a time 4. bumped into 5. in comfort 6. adapting to 7. in other words 8. in particular 9. having trouble 10. out of breath 单句语法填空 It is bad manners for you to make fun the disabled; you should know they are great need of our understanding. 答案:of;in 解析:句意:你取笑残疾人是很不礼貌的,你应该知道他们非常需要我们的理解。make fun of “取笑”;in (great) need of “(非常)需要”。 Tong Huas novel “Bu Bu Jing Xin” (adapt) for both television and computer games. 答案:has been adapted 解析:句意:桐华的小说《步步惊心》被改编成了电视剧和电脑游戏。此处应用现在完成时的被动语态。 The world will be different from what it is now, and we will have to be prepared to adapt the change. 答案:to 解析:考查动词词义。句意:这个世界将会与现在不同,我们必须准备好适应改变。adapt to“适合;适应”,符合句意。 When he hurried to the railway station, tired and (breath), Mike found the train had just left. 答案:out of breath 解析:考查短语意义。句意:当迈克累得上气不接下气地赶到火车站时,他发现火车刚开走。 out of breath “上气不接下气”,与句意相符。 Some groups still have difficulty gaining access social services. 答案:to 解析:考查介词搭配。句意:一些群体仍然很难得到享受社会服务的权利。access to sth.“(使用或见到……的)机会;权利”。 6.I was very (annoy) to find that the cinema was not accessible to the elderly or people in wheelchairs. 答案:annoyed 解析:考查annoy 的词性。此处指人的心情用形容词化的过去分词。annoyed“生气的”。 -Its really a surprise that the manager should have no idea about the plan. -Of course he doesnt, for the plan was made in his (absent). 答案:absence 解析:句意:“经理竟然不知道这个计划真让人


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