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PAGE PAGE 3 Lesson One Mum: Hello, Peter. Hello, Lily. Supper’s ready. Are you hungry Peter? Peter: No, I am not hungry. Mum: Are you hungry Lily? Lily: Yes, I am hungry. Peter: What’s for supper? Mum: Look! Some chicken and fish. Are you hungry now, Peter? Peter: Oh, yes. I am very hungry. 词汇 breakfast [brekf?st] n.早餐lunch [l?nt?] n.午餐 Supper [s?p?] n.晚饭ready [redi] adj. 准备好的hungry [h??ɡri] adj. 饿的what [hw?t] pron.什么very [veri] adv.非常carrot [k?r t] n.胡萝卜 noodle [nu:dl] n.面条 potato [p teit u] n.土豆hamburger [h?mb :ɡ ] n. 汉堡包 pizza [pi:ts ] n.比萨 toast [t ust] n.土司面包bacon [beik n] n.咸肉;熏肉  egg [eg] n.鸡蛋meat [mi:t] n.肉rice [rais] n.米饭beef [bi:f] n.牛肉pea [pi:] n.豌豆 soup [su:p] n.汤fries [fraiz] n. 炸薯条 Lesson Two Waiter:Can I help you? Peter: Yes, please. I am hungry. Waiter: Sir, What would you like to eat? Peter: I like a cup of tea, a banana and some meat. Waiter: Would you like some beaf? Peter: No, thanks. Waiter: OK, here you are. Peter: Thanks a lot. Waiter: You are welcome. 词汇 waiter [weit?] n. 服务员 please [pli:z] 请 would [wud] 愿意 welcome [welk?m] adj.受欢迎的tea [ti:] n. 茶 drink [dri?k] n.饮料 v.喝 coffee [k?fi] n. 咖啡 water [w?:t ] n. 水  milk:[milk] n.牛奶 juice [?rind?] [d?u:s] n. 果汁 vegetable [ved?it?bl] n. 蔬菜 peach:[pi:t?] 桃 pear:[p? ] 梨orange:[?:rind?] 橙子 watermelon:[w?:t ,mel n] 西瓜apple:[?pl] 苹果 banana:[b nɑ:n ] 香 蕉strawberry:[str?:b ri] 草莓 grape:[greip] 葡萄 like:[laik] 喜欢 some:[s?m] 一些;某些 Lesson Three Peter: Hi, Li Lei, where are you going? Li Lei: I am going to buy some food. Peter: Oh, good idea! What’s kind of food do you like best? Li lei: I like fries and chicken. Peter: How about hamburger? Li Lei: I don’t like hamburger very much. Peter: OK. Let’s go. 句型: Who is the man in red? What’s you favorite food/drink/color? How/What about…? I like… I don’t like… 词汇: best [best] adv. 最好地kind [kaind] n. 种类food [fu:d] n. 食物 about [?baut] 关于  how [hau] 如何color [k?l?] n.颜色who [hu:] 谁 red 红 色 的 [red] yellow 黄色的[jel u] green 绿色的[ɡri:n] blue 蓝 色 的 [blu:]


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