Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came单元作业设计.pdf

Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came单元作业设计.pdf

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安徽省中小学学科单元作业设计 基本信息 序号 姓名 学校 1 施小霞 青阳县第三中学 2 吴加强 青阳县第三中学 3 4 5 6 学科 英语 年级 八年级 学期 第二学期 教材出版 人民教育出版社,Go for it! Unit 5 What were you 社、模块、 单元 doing when the rainstorm came? 单元(章) In this unit, it mainly talks about past events and 内容及教 tells a story. At the same time, students master the 材分析 past progressive tense. From talking about daily things to big events, 单元(章) students can use the two conjunctions when and while 学习目标 to make up sentences, conversations and tell a story with the past progressive tense. Students can use the past progressive tense freely. 单元(章) They know the different usages between when and 作业目标 while. They can use the target language to make up conversations and tell stories. From the easy work to the difficult one. First of all, 单元(章) to use when and Past Progressive Tense to make up small conversations. Then to tell the differences of 作业设计 when and while. Next, to understand the usages of 思路 Past Progressive Tense. Lastly, to write and tell stories. 另附:分课时作业设计及单元质量检测作业设计。 池州市中小学学科课时作业设计 基本信息 青阳县第三 姓名 施小霞 学校 中学 学科 英语 年级 八 学期 第二学期 教材出版 社、模块、人民教育出版社,Go for it! Unit 5 What were you doing when 章节、课 the rainstorm came? 时 In Section A, it presents the four scenes to lead to the 课时内容 target language. In Section B, from the listening and the 及教材 分析 two big events in America, students learn to tell stories by themselves. In



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