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本科毕业设计(论文) 外 文 翻 译 原文: Negotiating Gender Equality and Legal Reforms: Women’s Organisations in Kuala Lumpur In March 2004 the first weekend, I attended an international celebration - Womens Day, held in Kuala Lumpurs largest shopping mall. Theme is a girls day , this event was hosted by popular TV show 3R, targeted at young women in Malaysia. 3R relax in the official claim to respect. Non-governmental organizations in international history at this event was the first time. Malaysian womens day, not only by two of the oldest feminist womens organizations, Womens Aid Organisation (WAO) and Womens Action Society (AWAM) hold, but also supported by human rights organizations such as Amnesty International (AI), Malaysian AIDS Council (MAC). Made the whole event a very young people, especially young girls center, respect for the girl power, enhance the idea of self-reliance and self-defense. For girls and womens rights, the security environment around the theme, choose a recent crimes against women in society. All of the joint press statement on this International Womens Organization, is this: Sadly, in many brutal sexual violence, women and girls have become afraid to go to public places and there are more constraints faced by women activities and sports. We believe that women have the right to feel safe in Malaysia, not only at home but also in public places, should be able to have the same freedom as men move around and participate in activities and events around them. The theme this year, we began to respect, this needs to be emphasized to create a womens equal members of society to give women a safe environment. 3R published on the website of the event, highlighting the combination of fun and seriousness. If you are a woman, you ever feel afraid, or find themselves in potentially dangerous situation, even a crime victim. A girl section to find a solution to your security problems. With his focus on empowerment. . This event will showcase a simple and effective prot


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