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本科生毕业论文 装订 装 订 线 本科生毕业论文(设计) 题目:论无障碍设计在正定国家乒乓球训练基地中的应用 论无障碍设计在正定国家乒乓球训练基地中的应用 摘  要 无障碍设计是联合国组织提出的对于设计的新主张,主要是为了给有不同生理残缺或缺陷以及自主生活能力减退人群提供必要的生存保障。城市的无障碍设计主要体现在城市公共交通、公共环境设施、以及建筑等诸多方面。例如盲道、为轮椅者专门设置的卫生间等一系列无障碍设计,这些配套设施的建设在满足了使用者的使用便利的同时,也为使用者营造了一个充满爱与关怀,实实在在保障使用者的权益以及安全的、舒适的生产生活环境。随着社会的进步,运动成为一种时尚、健康的生活方式,健全人在得到满足的同时我们也应该考虑到残疾人的需求,无障碍的健身运动场所是残疾人所需要的,拥有无障碍设计的体育馆、体育场所成为许多残疾人的重要需求。 本文主要浅谈无障碍设计在正定国家乒乓球训练基地的升级改造中的运用,从无障碍设计的概念、残疾人对无障碍设施的需求,在本次项目中的无障碍设计的应用和无障碍设计对残疾人的意义等几方面对无障碍设计在体育场馆中的应用进行了浅显的剖析。 关键词:无障碍设计;体育馆;国家乒乓球训练基地 Discussion on the Application of non Barrier Design in the Table Tennis Training Base of Positive Definite State Abstract Barrier-free design is to design a new propositions put forward by the United Nations organization, main is to have different disabilities goods defects and independent life ability to decline the crowd provides necessary survival guarantee. City of barrier-free design mainly reflects in urban public transportation, public facilities, and construction environment. Such as blind road, set up the toilet for the wheelchair, the construction of supporting facilities to meet the users in the use of the convenient at the same time, also for the user to build a loving and caring, truly guarantee the user's convenience and safe and comfortable living environment. With the progress of the society, sports become fashionable, healthy lifestyle, healthy people in satisfied at the same time we should also consider the needs of disabled persons, barrier-free fitness place is needed for the disabled has the barrier-free design of the gymnasium, sports venues become many important needs of disabled persons. This article mainly discuss about barrier-free design in the upgrading of positive definite national table tennis training base, the application from the barrier-free design concept, the demand of barrier-free facilities for the disabled, barrier-free design in the project application and the signific


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