实用交际口语part ii unit 1.pdf

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UNIT ONE ENTERTAINMENT AND RELAXATION Before-class Assignments: ◦ 1. Students should have read the two passages in “Part I Read and Think”. ◦ 2. Students should have watched the two s in “Part II Listen and See”. lass Activity 1: Class Meeting ◦ Purpose: to learn to express one’s own viewpoints ◦ Scenario: Your class is nning a spring outing this coming weekend. Now sit down, have a panel discussion to work out a n. You have to decide on where to go, what to prepare, who is harge of what, and what to look out for, etc. Try to make the spring outing a well- nned event. ◦ Advisable Question Topics: parks, botanic garden, transportation, meals, expenses, leaders, share of responsibility…… Pr iples and Strategies for Group Discussions ◦ 1. There are some pr iples and tips to bear in mind if you hope to be an effective and pleasant member in a discussion. ◦ 2. Have students read the pr iples and strategies out aloud. ◦ 3. Ex in key guidelines: Dos: To prepare for the topic beforehand. To ask and clear out your doubts before or at the very beginning of the discussion. To be precise and clear when giving forth your opinions. To listen attentively to what others say and respond. To try and sort out contradictions and arguments. To let the discussion flow, evolve, but not stray away. Don’ts: To dominate the discussion for too long. To hide your idea thinking other people might say it anyway. 4. Ask students to evaluate their performance in the group discussion of “Class Meeting”, and what they need to improve to be a better member in a discussion. Reading Report and In ction 1 Passage One: The Therapeutic Science Of Adult Coloring Books: How This Childhood Pastime Helps Adults Relieve Stress 1. Have one student report on the theme and key information in the passage


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