SectionB (2a-2c) 课件 Unit 9 What does he look like_ 人教七年级下册(大单元教学).ppt

SectionB (2a-2c) 课件 Unit 9 What does he look like_ 人教七年级下册(大单元教学).ppt

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Unit 9 Section B 2a-2c What does he look like? 理论依据 基于主题意义的初中英语单元整体教学是促使英语学科核心素养目标落地课堂的重要抓手。本文在分析传统单元教学中存在问题的基础上,依据整体语言教学理论,探讨主题意义引领下的单元整体教学策略。 课标要求 1.能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义。 2.能阅读简单文章,并理解大意,可以根据要求寻找关键信息。 3.能根据上下文情景,进行生词猜测。 4.能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展意。 5.能正确使用短文中标点和语法,能在指导下自我修改和评价文章。 6.能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材。 Learning Aims 1.通过观看图片,复习所学的关于外貌的单词,并用描述外貌的单词,来描述课本中的三个人物。 2.通过fast-reading,找出正确的罪犯和每段的主段的中心句。 3.通过careful reading,找出加粗单词所指代的物体,并完成判断正误的习题。 4.通过习题,巩固本节课的知识点。 CONTENT 1.Review 2.Presentation 3.Pre-reading 4.While-reading 5.Post-reading 6.Exercises 7.Summary 8.Homework Preview 1.艺术家 2最后 1 3罪犯 4另一,又一 1 5真正的,真实的 6 不同的 1 7他想画好每一个罪犯,但是这个工作有时是困难的。 1 评价标准:准确默读出并写出单词一个得1分,共7分。 artist last criminal another real difficult He wants to draw a good picture of each criminal, but this job is sometimes difficult tall short heavy thin What does he/ she look like? He/She is.... Presentation short long straight curly What does she look like? She has.... hair hair hair hair What do they look like? They are.... old young * Joe Brown Watch the picture and answer the questions. C A B Which one is the real criminal? Do you think we can find the criminal easily using the picture, why? Pre-reading * Describe the 3 men. How will you describe (描述) the criminal? He is tall. He is short. He is of mudium height. People describe the same person differently. Pre-reading * Pre-reading Complete the chart with words of the opposite meaning. 2a young thin tall long curly old heavy short short straight Task 1 while-reading Read the newspaper fast and silently (速读/默读) to find the general idea. 1. The main idea of the newspaper article is that ________. A. Joe Brown has an interesting job B. Joe Brown doesn’t like his job C. Joe Brown’s look is good A Task 2 Read again and find the genera



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