2023年上海中考一模英语试题分类汇编 专题3 单词改写含详解.docxVIP

2023年上海中考一模英语试题分类汇编 专题3 单词改写含详解.docx

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03-2023年上海市初三英语一模真题专项训练之词性转换 Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)(共8分) 2023虹口一模 24. Kitty, a good friend of ________, attended the fifth China International Import Expo.(my) 25. There are different ________ of clubs for the students to join after school.(variety) 26. As we all know, certain things happen only ________ in a lifetime, such as your birth.(one) 27. In the diary the girl wrote: “________ is the first step on the road to success.”(confident) 28. We believe it is ________ the best food in Shanghai and can’t wait to go back.(probable) 29. In my opinion, it is ________ of her to hide the truth from her parents.(honest) 30. I will never ________ the days I spent with my grandparents in the countryside.(forgetful) 31. The government is taking action to protect ________(person) information on the Internet. 2023普陀一模 24. It’s impossible to get help, so she is doing everything ________.(she) 25. Tina’s ________ novel will be about a theft in a small town.(four) 26. Did you see the ________ of his hair? So amazing!(long) 27. Roy’s ________ were liked by everyone because most of them are very interesting.(speech) 28. The children were ________ with the food in the hotel and cried a lot.(happy) 29. Doctors think little Jane will ________ become healthy next week.(probable) 30. Ms Bake uses ________ methods of teaching to help us study better than before.(variety) 31. Hard work is important if you want to ________ in business.(success) 2023杨浦一模 40. Fruits like apples and oranges come in a great many _________.(variety) 41. Your description about the accident does not agree with _________.(her) 42. Russia is the world’s _________ largest exporter(出口国) of oil.(two) 43. People staying at the hotel were _________ foreign tourists.(main) 44. This was a nasty attack and the woman is still very _________ now.(shock) 45. The restaurant provides good _________ Chinese dishes.(tradition) 46. She felt the _________ of his arms ar



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