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读后续写 好难不想写看不懂不会写无从下手看到读后续写的你 “两个读,一个写”一读前文理情节二读段首续发展三写后文重表达 “读”什么? (5W1H)When it happened?Where it happened? Who is involved?What happened?Why it happened?How to solve the problem? 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 My family immigrated to Canada when I was about one year old. In those early years, we did not have much money. Our home was a simple rented apartment, which was rather poorly furnished. There certainly was not enough money for expensive outings. As a result, our weekends were filled with simple pleasures that we could do for free, like picnics, bike rides, and my favorite—trips to the library. Thanks to the library’s children’s section, I fell in love with stories—silly ones, moving ones, and even educational ones. I would have my parents read the books that we borrowed over and over again until we needed to return them, or I would page through them myself, imagining the stories in my head, even though I was too young to read the words. When I was about five years old and finally started to read on my own, I had a curious thought: I knew we could get books from the library or buy them in store s if we had the money, but where did books come from?I asked my mother this question, to which she replied that the stories I loved were created in the imaginations of people called “writers” These people then wrote them down so they could be s hared with others. Four decades later, I still remember that moment. It was as though I had been struck by lightning. Then and there, I knew my purpose in this world. I would be one of those writers. I would create stories and share them with the world.注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 开头已给出。一、读前文 理情节 1.读前文判断文体Whats the type of the passage?Narration B. Exposition C. Argumentation 5W1Hwherewhowhatwhenhowwhy 基本要素WhenWhereWho核心要素What拓展要素WhyHow2.理情节Please find the information below and finish the table (3mins) 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 My family immigrated to Canada when I was about one year old. In those early



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