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PAGE PAGE 9 中学生师生关系调查的调查报告 Investigation of middle school students teacher student relationship 学院:生命科学学院 班级:08级生科A班 姓名:谢红梅 学号:084120044 中学生师生关系调查 Investigation of middle school students teacher student relationship 摘要: 本调查采用问卷——《中学生师生关系调查问卷》形式,针对马街二中目前的师生关系状况进行调查,过程中随机挑选了180名学生进行测试,分别是初一年级的60人,初二年级60人,初三年级60人,目的是为构建和谐的师生关系,促进学生心理健康发展;在教育教学管理活动中开展相应的实践研究,力求从教学的双方——教师与学生双方之间,初步探索出在建立了和谐师生关系的前提下培养学生具有健康心理的有效策略。结论:师生关系和谐融洽,学生对目前的师生关系相对比较满意,会主动接近老师问相关科目的问题,对老师的教学也比较满意。但是师生之间缺乏精神、心灵上的沟通,说明师生之间缺乏了解,这对于我们和谐师生关系的建立有着很大的影响。 Abstract: The survey by questionnaire -- teacher-student relationship in middle and high school questionnaire form, the Horse Street 2 current relationship between teachers and students in the process of survey, randomly selected 180 students tested, respectively is the first grade 60, grade 60, grade the third 60 people, was designed for constructing the harmonious relationship between teachers and students, to promote the development of students mental health; teaching management in education activities corresponding to the practice research, and strive to Teaching -- from both teachers and students between the two sides, preliminary exploration in the establishment of a harmonious relationship between teachers and students under the premise of mental health of students with effective strategies. Conclusion : the relationship between teachers and students is harmonious, the students on the current relationship between teachers and students is relatively satisfactory, approached the teacher asked questions on related subjects, teaching the teachers are also quite satisfied. But between the teachers and students lack mental, spiritual communication between teachers and students, illustrate the lack of understanding of the harmonious relationship between teachers and students, we established a great influence. 关键词:中学生 师生关系 调查报告 Key words: middle school students teacher-student relationship investigation report 正文:   罗平县马街二中提倡新型的师生关系,以人为本, 注重培养学生



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