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Xx大学xx学院 本 科 生 毕 业 论 文(设 计) 中文题目:__ 对我国专业化保险公司发展的思考_____ 外文题目:The thinking about the professional development of insurance company in china 学 号: __ xxxxxx____ 姓 名:____xxx______ 年 级:____2009级____ 专 业:_____保险_______ 系 别:___ 金融学系____ 指导教师:____ xxx______ 完成日期:2013年4月18日 xx大学xx学院金融学系·保险专业本科生毕业论文 摘 要 改革开放三十多年来,我国保险业有了迅猛发展,保险公司数量与日俱增、保费收入规模不断扩大。随着保险行业发展基础的确立,保险市场的竞争也日趋激烈。各个保险公司要想在竞争中立足,必须要培养、发展核心竞争力,实现差异化、专业化经营。一方面保险业的迅猛发展为专业化保险公司的发展提供了基础,另一方面保险市场的竞争也就对专业化保险公司的发展提出了要求。本文首先做了一些基本概念的界定;随后在第二部分中对专业化保险公司在我国发展的可行性、必要性进行论证;然后,在第三部分中对我国专业化保险公司发展的现状进行了分析;接着,在第四部分对我国专业化保险公司发展问题进行总结并提出对策;最后,结合自身实际,提出我国成立专业化学生保险公司的构想。 关键词:保险公司;专业化发展;专业保险公司 Abstract Since the reform and opening-up, china’s insurance has been rapid development. The number of insurance company has been increasing. Premium incomes have been expanding. With the establishment of the foundation for the development of the insurance industry, the competition in insurance market is more and more fierce. If insurance companies want to gain a foothold in the competition, they must focus on training and developing of core competitiveness and achieving differentiation and professional management. Therefore, this provides the basis for the development of specialized insurance company, and set forth requirements for the development of specialized insurance companies. In the paper, some basic concepts are made in the first. Then I demonstrate the feasibility and necessity of specialized insurance company. In the third part, I analyze the current situation on the development of specialized insurance company. In the fourth part, I summarize the problems of the development of specialized insurance company and put forward some measures. Finally, with own reality, I proposed the idea to set up a specialized insurance company of student in china. Key words: insurance company; professional development; specialized insurance company 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 前言 1 一、专业化保险公司的界定及特征 2 (一)专业化、专业化经营及专业化保险公司的界定 2


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