《英语写作》试题 - 答案及评分标准 .pdf

《英语写作》试题 - 答案及评分标准 .pdf

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湖北师范学院 2010 年“专升本”招生考试 《英语写作》试题答案及评分标准 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分 题分 10 25 20 15 30 得分 评卷人 I. Punctuate the following passages and use 得 分 capitals where necessary. (10%) My most memorable experience in primary school happened in Ms. Chen ’s geography class. She gave us a quiz that I hadn’t studied for. When I saw the ten questions, I knew I was dead. I didn’t know a single answer. I decided to guess. So I sat there at my desk, pen in hand, and took a stab at giving my answers: A, or B, or C, or D. The next week Ms. Chen returned our paper, with a big “Excellent!” down on mine. That meant only one thing – I had got the highest mark in the class. And I had. I had guessed nine of the ten correctly. Later, Ms. Chen said to me that this just went to prove what I could do if I would only study! 本题满分 10 分。 字母大写共计 5 分,每错 6 个扣 1 分,即每做对 6 个得 1 分。 标点符号共计 5 分,每错 6 个扣 1 分,即每做对 6 个得 1 分。 评卷人 II. In each sentence, there is a blank. Choose the correct answer from A, B, C, and D to fill in the 得 分 blank. (25%) 1-5 BDACA 6-10 CDBDB 11-15 ACADB 16-20 BCCAB 21-25 BBAAC 每题答案完全正确得 1 分,错误不得分。 评卷人 III. Revise the following sentences. (20%) 得 分 1 1. The jury was asked to return to their seats. 2. The essay is poorly organized; there is no central idea. 3. After studying Lesson Ten we had the mid-term test. 4. Either the employees or Ms. Jones will make her presentation. 5. When he was having dinner with his family, a friend came for a visit. 6. Playing games on the computer for three hours, Michael did not complete his paper. 7. A girl living near the seaside couldn’t swim, which sounded un


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