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英语 24 字整体教学 Welcome UnitWelcome Unit 词汇学习 1 语法填空练习 学习目标和内容: 1. 词汇学习(第一部分) 2. 结合英语句子成分对课文进行解读、理解 3. 语法填空专练 教学过程: Step 1词汇学习:熟读记忆必修 1课本 P.112P.112左边一列单词和短语。 Step 2 词汇练习:用以上学过的单词的正确形式完成句子。 1. We exchanged addresses.我们交换了地址。 2. She ran over her notes before giving thelecture.她讲课前把讲稿匆匆看了一遍。 3. They charge a smallregistration fee. fee.他们收一点注册费。 4. He showed up late forregistration.他注册时来晚了。 5. You mustregister if you intend to vote.如果你要投票选举,你就必须登记。 6. You mustregister as a member first.你必须先注册成为会员。你必须先注册成为会员。 7. She disguised her truesex under a mans garment.她身穿男装来掩饰自己的真实性别。 8. The male andfemale genders are equal.男性和女性是平等的。 9. All thefemale workers in this factory got a present on March 8th. 这家工厂的所有女职工在三八节都得到了一份礼物。 10.The male voice is deeper than the female.男性的嗓音比女性的低沉。 11.We need somemale subjects for a psychology experiment.我们需要几个男子作心理学实验对 象。 12.She has dualnationalitynationality.她有双重国籍。 13.She storied about hernationality.她谎报自己的国籍。 14.There are two mainnationalities in our village.我们村子有两大民族。 15.The Jewishnation is scattered around the world.犹太民族散居于世界各地。 16.The Chinese are anation of hardworking.中国人是一个勤劳的民族。 17.She is an industrialdesignerdesigner.她是工业设计师。 名校名师整理材料 助同学们一臂之力 英语 24 字整体教学 18.She was dressed by a leading New Yorkdesigner.她穿着纽约杰出设计师设计的服装。 19.This dress is of the latestdesign.这件衣服是最新设计。 20.His evildesigns were frustrated.他的罪恶企图未能得逞。 21.The new library was built in the centre of thecampuscampus.新图书馆建在校园的中心。 22.There are many people taking pictures oncampus.好多人在校园里拍照。 23.At theformalformal party I felt very awkward and out of place.在正式的舞会上,我感到局促不安,在正式的舞会上,我感到局促不安, 很不自在。 24.This job doesnt require anyformal training.这种工作不需要任何正规训练。 25.Im veryanxious about the speech contest.我对此次演讲比赛十分忧虑。我对此次演讲比赛十分忧虑。 26.I wasanxious about the children when they didnt come back home from school.


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