2020年考研英语之作文真题答案解析1 .pdf

2020年考研英语之作文真题答案解析1 .pdf

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2020 年考研英语一作文真题答案解析 SeCtiOn IV Writing 51. 【题干】direct ion: You are to Write an email to JameS Cook, a n ewly-arrived AuStralia professor, recomme nding some tourist attracti ons in your City .Please give reas on for your recomme ndati on. You should Write n early on the an SWer sheet. Dot not Sig n your own n ame at the end of the email .use Li Ming in stead. Do not Write the address. (10 poin ts) 【答案】 参考范文: Dear Prof. JameS Cook, Welcome to China. I know you love traveling, so I m Writing this Ietter to recommend to you one of my favorite SCe nic spot — Harbi n, WhiCh is an old n Orther n City of China. I think you must like it for the reas ons as follows. To beg in with, there are an amount of beautiful SCenic spots, SUCh as the ICe and Snow Kingdom in Winter, the SUn island, the Cen tral Street and so on. In additi on, you could taste a great nu mber of Sn acks on the average street. LaSt but not least, the people of Harbin are OVerWheI min gly hospitable and en thusiastic, WhiCh is famous all over China. OWing to the reasons discussed above, I won t hesitate to recommend this SCenic spot to you. I am SUre you will enjoy it. BeSt WiSheS for you! Yours Sin Cerely, Li Mi ng 真题解析 今年英语一的小作文不出预料,再一次考查到了推荐信。在英语一的考试当中, 推荐信已经考查过 两年了。例如我们英语一在 2011 年就考查过向你的朋友推荐一部 电影。具体题目要求是 Write a Ietter to a friend of yours to1) recommend one of your favorite movies and;2) give reasons for your recommendation. 2015 年考察的是 you are going to hold a club read ing SeSSi on. Write an email of about 100 words recomme nding a book to the club members.You should State reas ons for your recomme ndati on.而今年的 作文题目要求给新来的澳大利亚国籍教授 JameS Cook 介绍你城市的 tourist attraction。 因此,考生不用惊慌只要把 2011 年或 2015 年的小作文,主要是推荐原因部分,稍 作修改即可成文。这 1 就启发我们 2018 届的同学们要高度重视历年真题,因为考过的 话题或是书信类型会反复考查。 那么今年的作文具体该如何来写呢 今年考题的


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