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摘要 数字逻辑课程设计报告 PAGE IV PAGE 1 可调节电子表 摘 要 我们正处在一个信息的时代,事物的发展和技术的进步,让我们享受到了诸多的便利。尤其是电子表,它在我们的生活中无处不在。电子表是内部装配有电子元件的表,一般分液晶显示数字式和石英指针式两种。本次程程设计在Quartus = 2 \* ROMAN II仿真软件上实现对电子表的设计。学习电子表的设计不仅让我们拨开了电子表的奥妙,让我们更加牢固的掌握了74160、74193这一类的计数器的使用。运用多个74160器件,使之产生模为24、60周期的计数器,按照一定的关系量来连接,从而产生进位,产生一个能循环计数的正常电子表的功能。再设计一个电子表的调节电路图,以方便调节电子表。完成两部分的封装,对设计结果进行验证,通过输入数据的变化,从而得到所需要的输出。根据需要,或正常计时,或设定分钟和小时,都能得到正确的结果。 关键词:Quartus = 2 \* ROMAN II,电子表,计数器,74160,调节 Adjustable Electronic Clock ABSTRACT We are in the age of information, the development of things and technical progress, let us enjoy the many convenience. Especially electronic watch, its in our life is everywhere. An electronic watch is internal assembly have electronic components watch, general points LCD digital and quartz pointer type two kinds. This ChengCheng design in Quartus II simulation software to achieve the design of electronic watch. The design of the electronic learning not only let us through the secrets of the digital watches, let us more solid knowledge of 74160, 74193 this kind of use of the counter. Use DuoGe 74160 devices, causes it to have the mold of 23, 59 cycle of counter, according to certain amount to the relationship between the connection, which carry and produce a cycle count of the normal can the function of digital watches. To design a digital watch the adjustment of the circuit diagram, with convenient adjustment electronic. Complete two part of the package, the design results were verified through the change of input data, and the output of the need. According to the needs, or normal time, or set up minutes and hours, can get the right result. Key words: Quartus II, electronic watch, counter, 74160, adjust 前言 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 前 言 1 第1章 组成电路的芯片介绍 3 1.1 74160芯片 3 1.1.1 74160芯片符号 3 1.1.2 74160工作原理 3 第2章 可调节电子表的顶层电路 5 2.1 可调节电子表的顶层电路与说明 5 2.1.1 可调节电子表的顶层电路图 5 2.1.2 电路说明 5 第3章 可调节电子表详析 6 3.1 可调节电子表 6 3.2 设计原理详析 8 3.2.1 计数原理 8 3.2.2 校时电路原理 8 3.3 仿真波


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