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含不同成分尿素的夹层化合物nh2conh2xi2的制备及其热、电输运性质 1 非价值主义定义 tis2hasananisodic结构与a3个a.m.3m.它是一个知道的两个直接组织(1t,2h),以及作为一个缓慢排列的有序布局。当地coordinal证据:第一tis2和第二tis2是地方coordinal证据(2h)。tis2的主要受害者是tis2(1吨,2吨,2吨),tis6c2可作为一个整体配置,而tis2是两个行的接受者。钢条的迹象是,通过缓慢排列的有序排列,以及缓慢排列的特征。缓慢排列的铁线莲是一个整体。 Layered-structured TiS2is well known for its capability of intercalation by a wide range of elements into its van der Waals gap. Since Li+can easily intercalate and leave van der Waals gap of TiS2, it has been studied as a promising cathode material for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. Besides Li, transition metals, such as Fe, Co and Ni, have been successfully inserted into the gap of TiS2, and influences of this intercalation on the physical properties of the corresponding compounds were investigated and explored. Specially, H. Imai et al reported that TiS2has large thermopower S and power factor (S2/ρ,ρis electrical resistivity) at room temperature, indicating that TiS2is a potential candidate for thermoelectric applications. Very recently, the work in our group indicated that large enhancement of thermoelectric properties for TiS2can be realized by proper Bi interaction into its ven der Waals gap. As to reduction of thermal conductivity, Slackproposed that a crystal structure containing weakly bound atoms or molecules that “rattle” within atomic cages could reduce lattice thermal conductivity, and latter experiments proved his idea. According to Slack’s theory, our group have completed some works: intercalation of heavy element Bi, Gd, Ndinto TiS2may reduce its thermal conductivity by atomic “rattling” and raise its thermoelectric properties, and doping at Ti site with metal elements Ni, Mg, Cdcan also adjust its properties. Nevertheless, to our knowledge little work aimed at improving thermoelectric properties of TiS2by means of intercalation of organic compounds has been reported. NH2CONH2intercalation into TiS2would have profound influence on the overall physical properties of its intercalated compou


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