David Nunan《第二语言教与学》配套题库【考研真题精选+章节题库】.pdf

David Nunan《第二语言教与学》配套题库【考研真题精选+章节题库】.pdf

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第一部分 考研真题精选一、术语解释1. critical period(中山大学2017研) 【答案】The critical period hypothesis is a theory in the study of language acquisition which posits that there is a critical period of time in which the human mind can most easily acquire language. This idea is often coidered with regard to primary language acquisition, and those who agree with this hypothesis argue that language must be learned in the fit few yea of life or else the ability to acquire language is greatly hindered. The critical period hypothesis is also used in secondary language acquisition, regarding the idea of a time period in which a secondary language can be most easily acquired.查看答案 2. reference(北外2014研) 【答案】Reference is a relation between objects in which one object designates, or acts as a mea by which to connect to or link to, another object. The fit object in this relation is said to refer to the second object. The second object—the one to which the fit object refe—is called the referent of the fit object. The term reference is used in many spheres of human knowledge, adopting shades of meaning particular to the contexts in which it is used.查看答案 3. anaphor(南开大学2011年研) 【答案】The term anaphor is used in a narrow see to include only reflexives like myself and reciprocals like each other.查看答案 4. cohesion(北师大2004年研) 【答案】Cohesion refe to the grammatical and/or lexical relatiohips between the different elements of a discoue. This may be relatiohip between different sentences or between different parts of a sentence. It can be achieved by cohesive devices include reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction and lexical cohesion.查看答案 5. speech act(浙江大学2005研) 【答案】Speech act is a central concept in Speech Act Theory, according to which, we are performing various kinds of acts when we are speaking. Actio performed through utterances are generally called speech acts.查看答案 6. scale schema(中山大学2013研) 【答案】It involves an increase or decrease of physical or metaphorical amount, and coists of any of



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