认证salescloud joansalesforce指南销售云为其提供报价.pdf

认证salescloud joansalesforce指南销售云为其提供报价.pdf

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Salesforce Certification Guide Sales Cloud UCI help customer to identify challenges and provide offersfor it A. Solution Selling B. Relationship selling C. …. UCI completed the requirement phase and step into design phase, requirement doc is done, how to make sure the requirement scope will not change A. Map design solution to test scripts B. Design solution sign off C. … D. Map design solution to business requirement U software want to involve client into the implementation, how to do A. Create chatter free user for client B. Share chatter file to client chatter user C. Allow client user to see opportunity track feeds D.. UCI Leads is outdated and in bad quality, how to do A. Validation rule to enforce fields value to be input B. Assignment rule to route leads based on city, state…. C. … D. … UCI currently has sold to shippment contact, and has new operations contact, how to leverage (Not really understand,just guess two types of contact, use to sync or de-dup A. B C D Sharing setting on accounts and contacts. A B UCI has different pricing scenarios, andfinally they will agree on the pricing, but need to keep the history (this isjust the meaning) A. Use Quote B. C. D. UCI would like to manage partner relationship, one account has multiple partners, each partner has attributes Partner role, ……. A. Add custom object B. Add customer field on account C. D. Partner user want to see lead record as normal salesforce user…. A. Add a lead tab at partner portal…………… B. …. When implement partner portal what need to be considered A. B. C. Work flow task can’t assign to partner portal user. D. can’t remember ( but think this is the answer) ……….Collect client response…. A. Ideas B. Solutions ….Multiple currency, default is $, default local is Asia, show revenue in a report…………… A. Display revenue,


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