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第1章 词汇翻译 一、翻译下面的句子,注意所选用词的感情色彩。 1. ①As luck would have it, no one was in the building when the explosion occurred. ②As luck would have it, there was rain on the day of the picnic. 【译文】 ①幸运的是,爆炸发生时,没人在建筑物里。 ②不凑巧的是,野餐那天下雨了。 2. ①One player in particular deserves a mention. ②He deserves to be locked up forever for what he did. 【译文】 ①一名运动员特别值得表扬。 ②他做了这样的事,活该终身监禁。 3. ①Those who do not remember the past are condemned to relive it. ②That athlete tried to relive his glory days. 【译文】 ①凡是忘掉过去的人注定要重蹈覆辙。 ②那运动员试图重温他的光辉岁月。 4. ①The bell is not working. ②Your idea won’t work in practice. ③Professor White is at work on a new book. 【译文】 ①铃不响了。 ②你的想法实际上行不通。 ③怀特教授正在写一本新书。 5. ①Our plan succeeded. ②The underwriter realizes this and certainly does not set out to make life difficult for his agency colleagues. However, he has a job to do. Part of that job is to eure that people who attempt to buy policies because they expect to “die” soon do not succeed in fooling him and his company. 【译文】 ①我们的计划成功了。 ②核保人如果认识到这一点,当然不会让他的代理处的同事难堪。然而,他又肩负着责任,其责任之一便是,确保那些因预计很快“死亡”而设法购买统保单的人欺骗核保人自己及其公司的企图不会得逞。 6. ①Many people think that he is one of the most ambitious politicia of our times. ②He’s a very ambitious lad and he wants to play at the highest level.(宁波大学2019研) 【译文】 ①许多人认为他是我们这个时代最有野心的政治家之一。 ②他是个很有抱负的小伙子,想参加最高水平的比赛。 【解析】ambitious意为“野心勃勃的;有抱负的”,在翻译的过程中应根据句子的感情色彩进行相应的选择。 7. ①He is the last man to come. ②This is the last place where I expected to meet you. 【译文】 ①他是最后来的。 ②我怎么也没料到会在这里遇到你。 【解析】在第一句中,last意为“最后的”。在第二句中意为“最不可能的,最不适当的”,用来表示强调。 8. ①Aggressive natio threaten world peace. ②A salesman must be aggressive if he wants to succeed. 【译文】 ①侵略成性的国家威胁世界和平。 ②推销员如果想要获得成功,必须有闯劲。 9. ①He is a funny writer. ②There is something funny about the matter. ③You will be sorry if you try anything funny in class. 【译文】 ①他是个风趣的作家。 ②事情有些蹊跷。 ③你要是在课堂上玩什么鬼花样,肯定要后悔的。 10. ①This typewriter is indeed cheap and fine. ②He is making himself cheap. 【译文】 ①这种打字机确实便宜又好用。 ②他这么做正使他的名誉受损。 11. ①She is fidgety and restless. ②All the invento


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