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2011年北京外国语大学811英语能力测试(写作)考研真题及详解 I. Summarize the view(s) in the following passage (around 300 words) and then write a commentary (around 500 words) (70 points) I appreciate the arts, I love film, TV, music and books like most people, I enjoy the occasional trip to the theatre or art gallery and I am in awe of the skill of the world’s greatest athletes. Although I have an appreciation from these arts and gain enjoyment from them on the whole I detest what they have collectively become. It’s long since gone beyond providing entertainment and has evolved into a business that we call the “entertainment industry”. The face of this industry is a mosaic of aesthetically pleasing masks covering a collectively ignorant mind controlled only by financial gain and the ultimate social status of “celebrity”. In the western world it now seems that the status of “celebrity” has became akin to that of the God status. We look to these people with their plastic faces and hollow minds that are motivated by greed as role models, a task they are neither suitable for nor capable of. This status of thei is promoted by a media that has long since given up on reporting real news in favour of religiously following the lives of celebrities. The more media attention they get the more attention is drawn away from the real issues that we should really be concerning ouelves with. This role model respoibility that society has placed upon the celebrity status has either been ignored by the celebrities or abused. Celebrities are the wot possible role model for any society, especially the young who look up to them with such admiration. Celebrities glamorise sex, abuse drugs, degrade women, promote ignorance and ultimately of all the people in society, they are not fit for purpose. It appea that celebrities actively sexualise themselves like highamp;#8212;end prostitutes, this is intimated by those in society who are infatuated with the cult of celebrity. As a result society has become increasin



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