跨境电子商务英语(附全套音频)_PPT(2023.9月更新)PPT U1.ppt

跨境电子商务英语(附全套音频)_PPT(2023.9月更新)PPT U1.ppt

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跨境电子商务英语 人民邮电出版社 张强华 司爱侠 等 编著 Cross-Border E-commerce Overview Unit 1 Contents New Words Abbreviations Phrases 参考译文 New Words New Words New Words New Words New Words New Words New Words Phrases Phrases Phrases Abbreviations Listening to Text A [1] In Wikipedia, cross-border E-commerce refers to an international business activity where the trading entities that belong to different customs achieve transactions, payment, and cross-border logistics delivery through the E-commerce platform. 难句讲解 原 句 本句中,where the trading entities that belong to different customs achieve transactions, payment, and cross-border logistics delivery through the E-commerce platform是一个定语从句,修饰和限定an international business activity。在该从句中,that belong to different customs是一个定语从句,修饰和限定the trading entities。 讲 解 [2]In traditional trade, the import and export process are cumbersome, while cross-border E-commerce companies require the links be reduced as much as possible. 难句讲解 原 句 本句中,while表示对比。例如:Most young people like shopping online, while older people like to go to the brick-and-mortar stores. the links be reduced as much as possible是一个宾语从句,作require的宾语。在该从句中,the links后面省略了should。这是一个虚拟语气的句子。 英语中,表示“要求、建议、命令和坚持”等动词后面宾语从句要用虚拟语气。常用虚拟语气的动词有:demand、require、request、advise、suggest、propose、recommend、order、command、insist等。 讲 解 [3]For import cross-border E-commerce, it is usually the domestic consumers that visit overseas sellers to select goods. 难句讲解 原 句 本句中,it is usually the domestic consumers that visit overseas sellers to select goods是一个强调it句型:It is/was +强调部分+that/who...。该句中,强调的是句子的主语。正常语序的句子是:Usually the domestic consumers visit overseas sellers to select goods. 在强调it句型中,可以强调主语、宾语、宾语补足语和状语。当强调主语且主语指人时,可以用who,强调的部分是宾语,指人时也可以用whom。 讲 解 [3]For import cross-border E-commerce, it is usually the domestic consumers that visit overseas sellers to select goods. 难句讲解 原 句 例如: Mary bought a nice coat online yesterday.(正常语序) It was Mary that/who bought a nice coat online yesterday.(强调主


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